I'll say this straight, this posts is the result of boredom and internet being slower than usual I'm on the verge of breaking something and decided to write something so that I won't end up doing something I regret later. Get the idea? Good. Basically I feel like ranting anyway so bear with me, or simply close this tab/window. Heh~
So, looking at the title above, it sounds a bit, uh, uncreative? Nevertheless it sums up what this post is all about, which is a good thing considering I basically am a complete fail when it comes to summary, really.
I'll try not to rant too much, but I know better than to trust my fingers when it starts typing so...
Of blogging, the idea of writing this posts is due to the fact that I felt extremely bad for this blog for having such little posts. I mean, this is my 5th post, this year. And it's like what, 3 freaking months already! Damn, I'm such a lazy blogger, ain't I? LOL.
This brings me to the very reason WHY I made this blog at the first place, (quoting En. Yuszren my Technopreneurship lecturer: Know your aim/reason and stick to it -ok I admit I made that up but I know it's something along the line. LOL.) which is of course, for my writing. Now that I'll no longer posting it here and move it to Livejournal instead (read further in last post, there's a damn explanation there) this blog kind of lose it's meaning (to my horror!) but I don't want to delete it either so the best way is change the reason, the aim.
Besides, it's not that I only post my writing, there's also random rant (like this one) and manga/anime/drama etc. recommendation which usually the result of my flailing over the said series. So, again, I'm reassuring everyone here (and myself) that NO, I'M NOT GOING TO DELETE THIS BLOG. Okay, it's final~ ^^
Of life, I kind of having it bad now. It's 3 weeks (or is it 2?) to go to final exam for the semester (time sure flies~) and Technopreneurship kind of driving people nuts for a reason. The assignments are never-ending (so as Japanese, but that's a different story altogether) and like I said, it drives people (me) crazy. By the time I'm typing this we're to hand over our Business Modal by Friday as our final assignments before the ultimate presentation next week. NEXT WEEK. I'm so dead. It's now confirmed that Techno (the shorter way to say it) is one of the subject that practically kills me for good.
I went to UMS Sejati Camping before (last 2 weeks? What happened to my memory?!) and it brings a mixture of feelings. One, I like it was held by a beach (always have a thing for beaches and nature. Save the Earth!). Two, I hate it drained my energy like what and cramp both my legs (never the outdoor type I am). Three, it is the same week with Super Junior Concert in KL (not like I can go but yeah, I have mixed feelings because of this, perhaps).
It'll be a whole lot of work to talk (type) about the camp so I'll just drop the idea off. Besides, it's not like it's that interesting and whatnot to share. I'll just keep it in memory~ ^^ I wrote something during the camp though, and as much as I like the draft, I don't have a plot. Which sucks, big time. I mean, what the heck is a story without a plot?! I have about 5-6 drafts with lack of plots hanging around in my laptop (and that excluded the draft for Chapter 2) I find myself blank more often than not. The last time it happened like this is before I had my major writer's block before, to my horror!
I seriously need to work my brain, really. To add to that, don't expect any new updates in the near future. I might starts posting the one-shots that already existed here of simply finish posting the three-shot (you know which one, it's too long for a title I don't have the heart to spell it out now).
A few days after I got back from the camp, and my legs starts to feel better from all the fatigues, I fell down the stairs, like, really. It sounds stupid, I know but it's no joke when I twisted my left ankle and hey, it's not my fault that blog have the lamps broken (it was at night) and the stairs are slippery, right? Talk about bad luck. But then, thank goodness I just missed about two steps, or I'll be in ER for good. Heck, I even climbed up to my room on 4th floor like right after the incident! Haha~ By now it's already okay (I can already walk like usual) and I think I can even starts running around too. There's still a soft pain if I stretched the leg in a roundabout way, but other than that, I can say I'm (almost?) fully healed~ ^^
Reminder to everyone (and me), take care of your health (leg)~ LOL.
Of Japanese, (damn this post is LONG for a rant!) I've done my oral test and have to say I'm really proud of how it turned out to be. I don't stutter much like the practice time and it end up goes smoother than I thought. I also seems to adapt myself comfortably with how Fuji-sensei works and it surprised me to no end how I don't really depressed because of the home works compare to other subjects, much to my own amusement~
My friends been asking me to teach them Japanese now that I have the opportunity so I was thinking of putting what I learned here in this blog. Which brings us to the reason/aim up there. Instead of moping about not knowing what to do with this blog, it'll be great to give it a brand new purpose, no?
So! I guess it's final. I'll use this blog as my other Japanese textbook and put it all here. I might start this project this end-of-semester holiday, which is for about 2 months, so do expect more updates on May-July! ^^
I'll try to finish up those drafts too during the period, for now I'm going to focus on those darn assignments and the upcoming final exam so do give me support, minna-san!
Till then, ja ne~
Music of the Day: Outsider-Acquintance
P/S: Korea's fastest rapper is back with a new song and he is still so damn fast as ever. The melody is awesome and if you like Loner, you'll definitely love this one, hands down. I have a hard time figuring out the mv though, anybody mind to tell me what in the world is it about? LOL.
In my playlist which tends to give me hell these days. Something to do about YouTube and streaming and bah, idek.
~The-Too-Much-Typing/Ranting Heiji.
Planning to organize my blogs, and when I said 'blogs', it's both this one and Livejournal. I realized my posts (or rather the writings) are quite scrambled around the blogs, so might put more links to connect the stories together.
Of course, this is a plan which will be a reality in the future (not now, please) as it already have almost 90% approval in my head.
Talk about irony~ heh!
Tuesday, March 30, 2010
Tuesday, March 9, 2010
A Butterfly, A Louvre, and (Not) A Freer -Part 3-I and The Incessant Restriction of Catharsis
It's been awhile, but then, what can I say? And the title is a bit...long? LOL.
Just like what I've mentioned on the last post, I've decided to post my stories on Livejournal ONLY, giving that Blogspot hates me to the core when it comes to my stories, much to my dismay.
But don't worry, I'll post the link to it here, and no, I'm not going to abandon this blog. Livejournal is strict to my writing, and writing only. I still going to rant once in awhile here~ LOL.
It feels a bit sad thinking the posts here after this will not be as long as before (I realized my friends' post here in blogspot gets shorter by time, I wonder why?) now that there are no more stories, but I'm assured that it is better this way. It took me less than an hour (heck less than half an hour maybe?) to post 3 stories all in one go, and have to admit I'm really happy with it. Even the stories come out more organized and neater to my liking~
I don't lock my posts (they have that function there, mind you) so don't worry of not having an account. You can still view and leave comments there (as anonymous maybe, I'm not really clear about that. Do leave your name if you leave it as anonymous so I can know who you are~) which is of course, highly appreciated~
So far, there are some one-shots that available here and not there but I planned to posts it all there, along with the further installments. I don't plan on deleting the stories here though, so don't worry.
The cuts on Literally -Chapter 1 is the same here and there and I don't finish posting it up there yet. I suggests you to read at Livejournal more as it's clearer and I have some sort of format set up there, like the addition of Summary, rating, and all. But then, it's finished here already and no, I don't edit the stories there, it's still the same~ Just some format. ^^
Basically I'm rambling too much here now, perhaps...
The updates is A Butterfly, A Louvre, and (Not) A Freer -Part 3-I [The world we knew won't come back]-, which is, of course, the next update of the damn long three-shot. If you're wondering about the Part 3-I, read the A/N there. Haha~! Kill me, I know you want to. LOL.
Also, a new one-shot I wrote while in the midst of finishing the three-shot (pardon my laziness to type out the LONG title, why do I have to make it THAT long?), The Incessant Restriction of Catharsis. I love beautiful words, and might had accidentally abuse that liking in naming this story, which comes in a spur of the moment, really. Heck, everything about that story is on-spot idea, with no planning whatsoever, to my horror! LOL.
Hope that you enjoy the stories and leave some comments! It's okay to leave it here too, like Livejournal (as there might be people who are not sure) you can comment as anonymous but leave your name so I can identify who you are~ ^^
Oh! The comment section is the Secret Shelter, named after my favorite songs, LOL.
EDIT: Labeling this as One Shot Essay due to the links provided, and I'm Soooooo Random because, well, I am random, no? LOL.
Till then, ja ne~ Going to study for mid-term later...T_T
Music of the Day: Gackt-Redemption
P/S: A J-Rock from the oh-so-awesome Gackt. Heard about him earlier than TVXQ actually but never really got around to listen to his songs and Oh. God. It's damn rock! He's voice singing live (Japanese singers don't really do lip-syncing as far as I'm concern) is darn rocking (try watch his MKMF 2007 performance, that's where I first heard him anyway, heck even Heechul got his jaw dropping if you realize)! This song reveal the power in his voice and if you love Rock at its best like me, you'll love this, hands down.
In my playlist as per usual. Do I really have to mention this anytime I wonder? LOL.
~The-quite-blur-and-blank-at-the-moment Heiji.
P/S: Must be the aftereffect of turning 20...yes, that must be it~
There's some interesting things going on that day, and thanks (again) for the people who make it a damn memorable day to remember. Guys, you're darn awesome~
Post about it? Nah, it's too long already...better keep it in memory~ ^^
Just like what I've mentioned on the last post, I've decided to post my stories on Livejournal ONLY, giving that Blogspot hates me to the core when it comes to my stories, much to my dismay.
But don't worry, I'll post the link to it here, and no, I'm not going to abandon this blog. Livejournal is strict to my writing, and writing only. I still going to rant once in awhile here~ LOL.
It feels a bit sad thinking the posts here after this will not be as long as before (I realized my friends' post here in blogspot gets shorter by time, I wonder why?) now that there are no more stories, but I'm assured that it is better this way. It took me less than an hour (heck less than half an hour maybe?) to post 3 stories all in one go, and have to admit I'm really happy with it. Even the stories come out more organized and neater to my liking~
I don't lock my posts (they have that function there, mind you) so don't worry of not having an account. You can still view and leave comments there (as anonymous maybe, I'm not really clear about that. Do leave your name if you leave it as anonymous so I can know who you are~) which is of course, highly appreciated~
So far, there are some one-shots that available here and not there but I planned to posts it all there, along with the further installments. I don't plan on deleting the stories here though, so don't worry.
The cuts on Literally -Chapter 1 is the same here and there and I don't finish posting it up there yet. I suggests you to read at Livejournal more as it's clearer and I have some sort of format set up there, like the addition of Summary, rating, and all. But then, it's finished here already and no, I don't edit the stories there, it's still the same~ Just some format. ^^
Basically I'm rambling too much here now, perhaps...
The updates is A Butterfly, A Louvre, and (Not) A Freer -Part 3-I [The world we knew won't come back]-, which is, of course, the next update of the damn long three-shot. If you're wondering about the Part 3-I, read the A/N there. Haha~! Kill me, I know you want to. LOL.
Also, a new one-shot I wrote while in the midst of finishing the three-shot (pardon my laziness to type out the LONG title, why do I have to make it THAT long?), The Incessant Restriction of Catharsis. I love beautiful words, and might had accidentally abuse that liking in naming this story, which comes in a spur of the moment, really. Heck, everything about that story is on-spot idea, with no planning whatsoever, to my horror! LOL.
Hope that you enjoy the stories and leave some comments! It's okay to leave it here too, like Livejournal (as there might be people who are not sure) you can comment as anonymous but leave your name so I can identify who you are~ ^^
Oh! The comment section is the Secret Shelter, named after my favorite songs, LOL.
EDIT: Labeling this as One Shot Essay due to the links provided, and I'm Soooooo Random because, well, I am random, no? LOL.
Till then, ja ne~ Going to study for mid-term later...T_T
Music of the Day: Gackt-Redemption
P/S: A J-Rock from the oh-so-awesome Gackt. Heard about him earlier than TVXQ actually but never really got around to listen to his songs and Oh. God. It's damn rock! He's voice singing live (Japanese singers don't really do lip-syncing as far as I'm concern) is darn rocking (try watch his MKMF 2007 performance, that's where I first heard him anyway, heck even Heechul got his jaw dropping if you realize)! This song reveal the power in his voice and if you love Rock at its best like me, you'll love this, hands down.
In my playlist as per usual. Do I really have to mention this anytime I wonder? LOL.
~The-quite-blur-and-blank-at-the-moment Heiji.
P/S: Must be the aftereffect of turning 20...yes, that must be it~
There's some interesting things going on that day, and thanks (again) for the people who make it a damn memorable day to remember. Guys, you're darn awesome~
Post about it? Nah, it's too long already...better keep it in memory~ ^^
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