Author: Heiji Hatsutori (yup, that's me.)
Proclaimed: I own them all, enough said.
A/N: Finally it's time to move houses~ Going to go back to spend the night at Gramps tomorrow (20th Dis) and the flight to KL is due the next day at 8 AM...and then we'll take another flight to might not be able to online for a couple of days...I'm not sure how the internet connection at the new home after all...and also, will be leaving to college on 27th Dis as the new term and classes starts at the very next day...I can't really imagine how it'll be...everything seems to be so jumbled up right now...*sigh* so do pray that our journey will be smooth and okay and (hopefully) I'll be able to write something during the period...really, this is driving me crazy...I want to write~ T_T
Either way, just so you know, comments are love~ *wink* ^^
-PART 8-
“Words are dangerous, Yong-jae.”
“Why is that?”
We were having our usual lunch on the school roof. I eat my lunchbox from home and Seul-ri with the super-spicy-sardine-bun, the canteen lady’s specialty. It is indeed very spicy, and as far as I’m concern, Seul-ri is the only person who was able to eat it with no troubles at all, to the amusement of the canteen lady herself, that sometimes, she added the ingredients twice the spiciness, to test Seul-ri that is. Yet The-Invisible never lose, even for once. The canteen lady tried harder each day that she eventually breaks the record of making the spiciest sardine bun ever! I wonder if Seul-ri ever eats it. No, I wonder if there is even any person in this world who would eat that bun! Not a great idea, I guess. Or so I think.
“You see, pens are mightier than swords.”
“I know that, what are you trying to say actually?
“Words can leave a big print on the heart. It can kill you softly. If you’re hurt physically, it will heal. But if you’re hurt mentally, your heart is hurt, scarred, whatever, it’ll take a long time to heal. Also, words can actually imprisoned someone deep under. It controls you without you even realize it. That can happen, you know.”
“You sound like a Physiologist to me, Seul-ri. Something’s wrong? Why you suddenly…”
“It’s nothing, it just popped out of my head, must be because of the bun.”
I took a glance at the bun, and the color of the sardine shivers me up, there was nothing but red. And it is a lot darker than usual.
“Seul-ri, that bun…”
“Oh? It’s the record breaking bun. You know; the spiciest one. I asked the canteen lady to make one for me yesterday. For some reason she looked so happy when I did. I wonder why?”
I can feel my jaw drop off. My whole body start to shiver up, not because of the bun, but the look on Seul-ri’s face, is so normal! And that is the record bun, for God’s sake!
“How is it?”
“It’s good! Awesome!! I’m ordering it again tomorrow, you want it too?”
I felt like fainting.
“I thought so. But this is indeed really good! That canteen lady is sure an expert, do remind me to ask the type of chili she used, must be good for snack.”
“Seul-ri…are you…somehow…a devil? How can you eat that?”
“I am…is there anything wrong?”
There is the grin.
“No…forget it.”
“Ok…if you say so, Yong-jae.”
I never realize it before, maybe because I never really talked about Seul-ri to others. I usually call the name, Seul-ri when we talked to each other, just as I am referred as Yong-jae.
“No he, she, or whatever.”
Those words…
“Words can actually imprisoned someone deep under. It controls you without you even realize it.”
I was controlled by it. Literally.
“Kid, you’re crying?”
I find myself tongue-tied, and hurt. Seul-ri is my friend, the only person I have in this world, yet how can I did this, saying as if we are strangers? Since when did I put a barrier between us? How can I be so…heartless?
Wait…I already am.
“We’re done. Let’s go.”
“How about the kid? Are we going to leave him just like this? At least attach the wound a bit.”
“We don’t have much time for that! The faster we leave the better. I have a bad feeling that devil will come. Besides, he’ll die anyway sooner or later, no need to bother.”
“But sir…”
. Mr. Lee and the guy are preparing to leave. The crystal is put in a transparent box, shining brightly. The guard looks at me and his eyes soften a bit.
“I used to have a son your age, kid. We need the crystal, but I don’t really wish for you to die the way he did. I don’t expect you to forgive us, either. Hate me if you want. I’ll feel better that way.”
With that said, he stands up yet I manage to grab his hand.
“Tell me why you did this.”
Looking at me, right in the eye, he answers.
“It’s for the sake of our master tomorrow.”
“So you killed your son for him?”
There is a slight pause.
“No, my wife did, his mother.”
“At least…I was killed by a stranger, not a family member.”
Those words must have hit him hard, for his expressions worsen.
“You know where to poke the needle.”
“Seul-ri’s better than me. You can really cry.”
“Put the box down, now.”
All eyes turn to the direction of the voice, which is on my right. It is Seul-ri, in the worst condition ever. Blood all over the body, on the right side of the face, under the lips, on the clothes, which are also torn here and there, yet somehow, the eyes, those black eyes, is still so cold. There is no light at all, dark. Slowly, the legs start moving towards us. Each step leaves drops of blood behind yet there’s no stopping Seul-ri. The eyes just fixes at the box.
“Speak of the devil…”
“No way, you beat all of my man?!”
“…your friend here is not human, kid.”
The guard stands up, and spread his arms, preventing Seul-ri from moving forward. I try to move myself, but my arms and legs are all numb, I forgot they give me anesthetics before, and I feel myself more helpless than ever.
“Get out of my way.”
“I don’t repeat twice.”
“You can’t fight me in that condition.”
“Says who?”
Seul-ri runs towards the guard, holding his right fist. The guard is getting ready to catch Seul-ri when suddenly the body bends down, the right leg stretched outward and swings to the guard’s left leg, locking it, and causing him to fall flat on the floor. Immediately Seul-ri starts to get up, to chase after Mr. Lee who had already left with the crystal but the guard is quick enough to grab Seul-ri’s left leg, pulling the latter down on the floor, with a painful groan. I bet it hit the wound on the shoulder first, drops of blood starts pooling where the shoulder lands. The guard stands up, but not letting his guard down, for he immediately turns Seul-ri’s body to face him and pins the arms. The guard shook his head a bit and let out a sigh, he must have not expected that.
“Tell me, kid. Who are you, really? You’re no human. You’re more like…”
“A devil? I am, heard that a million of times already.”
“I don’t want to kill you here.”
“I don’t want to die here either.”
“Give up already, your friend’s dying over there.”
Seul-ri turns to face me. The look on the face is indescribable. The guard gets up slowly before hitting Seul-ri on the stomach with a side of his hand. The pain must have been excruciating. Seul-ri hardly catches a breath.
“Sorry. Just as a precaution. You’re unpredictable.”
The guard is on his feet now. The sound of car coming from outside and he quickly walk past Seul-ri, reaching the door. There, he turns, when Seul-ri suddenly calls him.
“You’ll be sorry for letting me alive today. I’ll get the crystal back, no matter what.”
“I’ll be waiting for you then, devil, waiting for you to kill me.”
He looks at me and smiles as he said that. Of course, Seul-ri didn’t see it. He closes the door and leave. At the very instant, Seul-ri gets up, and moves closer to me, the right hand on the chest.
“Yong-jae…hold on.”
“I won’t let you die, trust me.”
“I’m sorry.”
“I…the way I address you…”
I don’t know how to say it. Seeing Seul-ri, covered in blood, makes me sick. But I have to say it somehow. Seul-ri deserves to know.
“It’s alright. I already know.”
“I heard it all. Sorry, but I put a bug on your shirt. That’s how I find you here.”
So Seul-ri already knows. Oh god…
“It’s ok. I don’t mind. That’s better actually, and I already noticed this a long time ago to be exact.”
“I mean it. That hides me from other people. They don’t have to know who I am, who I really am. I’m grateful for that, that’s why I never say anything. I’m happy, that you are the only one who knows me. I’m glad it’s you, Yong-jae.”
“The one at fault is me, Yong-jae. I hide a lot of things from you.”
“I don’t mind, Seul-ri.”
There is a smile.
“It’s coming out now, Yong-jae.”
“My heart.”
Seul-ri closes both eyes; hand on the chest, concentrating. Then, on counting to three, blood splashes out from the body as I stare in horror. There, on the hand covered in blood, is another crystal, black.
“You don’t have to cut the chest open, seriously. Those guys just don’t know the right method, didn’t they?”
The black crystal, the devil’s heart, the one they say the strongest.
“Seul-ri…that is…”
“I told you, I’m a devil alright.”
“But why…”
“I’m giving this to you, as a replacement.”
“But you’ll die!”
Seul-ri just smiles, and moves closer, the hand reaches out for my opened chest.
“No…Seul-ri…stop it! I don’t want your heart!”
“There’s no stopping me, Yong-jae. I promised your mother, that I will protect you, no matter what.”
Seul-ri smiles again, sweetly, and put the crystal into my body. I can feel like something burning and then it stops suddenly. Somehow, I feel like…normal.
“Ok, done. It blends well with your body, good.”
I’m speechless. I could not think of anything. Now, Seul-ri’s heart is mine, and that makes Seul-ri heartless. I was about to die just now, yet Seul-ri…
“I’ll attach the wound. Don’t worry. My mother used to be a nurse, so I know a bit here and there on how to do it. I’ve done it before, just trust me, ok?”
Seul-ri starts to attach the wound with full concentration. It took faster than I thought. For a minute it’s all done. Looking at Seul-ri, I feel like crying.
“Don’t worry about me. I’m not going to die easily. Stop crying, will you? I promise, I get your heart back, it belongs to you, and you only. I’ll get it back for you, I swear. Till then, take care of mine, ok?”
“You’ll hate me for doing this, I know. But I want you to know, no matter what, you are the most precious person in my life.”
“Seul-ri…you are also my most precious person, Seul-ri.”
“Really? Thanks…I’ll remember that. Because of that, also, please…”
Seul-ri put a hand on my face, closing my eyes. I can feel my head starts to get dizzy. Everything starts to go black. I have a bad feeling about this.
And that person said it.
“Don’t forgive me.”
---------------------------------END OF CHAPTER 1----------------
A/N: Been hit by a massive writer's block lately...I can't seem to be able to write anything...*sigh* That means a longer period for the next update which is chapter 2...for the final part!! *should I be cheering? LOL* I want to cut it to two actually but I don't know where will be best to halt the story and make you wait (kill me, I know you want to) so I decided to just post the end of it already...and damn that's long~ Besides, to end this as Part 9 sounds...fishy? I don't know...I don't really like the idea somehow~
Chapter 2 will come not-so-soon (help me kill those writer's block demon~~!!) and the three-shot A Butterfly, A Louvre and (Not) A Freer is also on halt...mind you, I won't post the next part until I finished it...that's somewhat a policy (?) of mine...but at least that one is yeah~
Also, you read it right, this is the end of Chapter 1, and yeah, I bet you want to kill me (somebody already told me so) for end it like that, but then, cliffhanger is my muse~ so yeah~ XD
Do look forward to Chapter 2: The Darkness of Yesterday though~ *glance at the writer's block demon*
Till then, happy holidays! ^^
Music of the day: Chantal Kreviazuk -Leaving On A Jet Plane
P/S: I will, literally.
~Going-to-leave-this-beloved-house Heiji.
Say goodbye.
Saturday, December 19, 2009
Tuesday, December 8, 2009
Hotarubi no Mori e (In the Forest of Fireflies)
I was wondering around my blog list as usual and stumble upon this post at Animeshoon I always check this blog for the blogger (I don't know and sure whether it's a he or she...though somehow I think it's a she LOL) always post about the latest anime episodes and stuffs...this time to commemorate with the blog's 2-year anniversaries the blogger put on some links to download a manga (the one on the post title) and 2 movies...which I might download one...depends on my mood~
So...(as if it's not obvious enough) I'm going to recommend the manga (the reason I put the link above is so that you can download it...aren't I sweet? LOL Unfortunately for me, 4shared simply hates me (I can never download from there...tsk~) so I search and read it online instead at Mangafox and wow~ I can't resist myself to post about it here...
Basically, this is a one-volume manga which consist of 4 one-shots altogether...
1) Overhearing a Flower Song
2) Into the Forest of Fireflies' Light (Hotarubi no Mori E)
3) The Fallling of Autumn Leaves
4) Deepening the Scar - deals with incest, and it displays the feelings of a sister towards her brother
The pic and the synopsis below is for the second one-shot and the title of the volume Hotarubi no Mori e...

By HeijiHatsutori at 2009-12-07
A little girl is lost in an enchanted forest and is rescued by a masked young boy. They become friends but the boy refuses to let her touch him. Years pass, the little girl grows up. She returns to the forest and finds that her feelings for the boy has changed. The boy still refuses to be touched, saying that he will disappear...
(credits to
As for the stories...they are all awesome~ My favorite must be the second story...and they make a great choice naming the volume after that particular moved me to tears! I can't really tell how the story goes for all 4 of it (these are all one-shots remember?) and I'm not sure how to portray them to words either so all that I can say is after reading it all, especially the second and the fourth story I feel like my heart just stops breaks my heart and achingly beautiful...and damn, I'm's that good, mind you.
The arts are simple and beautiful and Midorikawa Yuki-sensei is simply awesome...each panels means something and it flows perfectly with the also occurs to me that she is the manga-ka to one of the anime I want to find and download and watch, Natsume Yuujinchou...or something like Natsume's Book of Friends...the series already got the second season and is said to be good and had always pricked my interest...I'm damn sure going to download it after this...
I love following/reading the forums there at Mangafox and the good thing about all these discussions is they usually recommend a similar style manga or something equally as good...and upon landing a recommendation linking to Tsukuba Sakura-sensei I feel like 'damn, that's sooo true!' And now I forgot again to recommend her works...*sigh~*
I'm sorry for not much information perhaps (there's no article for her at Wikipedia and somehow it pissed me off a bit) so I'm going to put on links to read her works at Mangafox
and Onemanga.
They got different works of her at both sites so do check them all out! I'm going to do so too! But really, you HAVE to read this...and enjoys it and maybe cries a bit like's too...oh god I'm out of words to say...
Mind you, not much series can drive me like this...Midorikawa Yuki-sensei is awesome...did I repeat the words now? Pardon my lack of mind simply not in it's best state blur, so numb, and heck, I don't even know what the hell did I type now! ARGHH~
Might as well read her other series before sleep (dang it what time is it now??) and might cries myself to bed...listening to this song (read the music of the day below) in repeat mode does not help me much either...seriously, why am I so emo tonight (or should I say this morning)? I need to snap myself out of it or I'll go crazy...still, do read and enjoy it, people!!
BTW, I started posting on my Livejournal and will put all of my stories there but no worries, I'm not going to abandon this blog...still going to post stories (that makes it 2 blogs for stories!) and rant about...haha~ That journal is going to be specifically for my writing as there are lots of awesome writers there and OMG I already got myself a reader for Literally! I hope by this I'm going to really improve myself and get more idea to write! Still, everyone's support is much loved~ Thanks!
Till the, take care people! Ja ne~
Music of the day: Kawada Mami -Another Planet
P/S: This is one of the OSTs for the anime Shakugan no Shana the first season and I must say I've fallen for Kawada Mami's voice already...there are many songs of hers that become anime songs and I like most of them! I never watch Shakugan no Shana before (the only episode I did watch turns out to be the last episode instead! ARGHH~) but really going to do so!
Another Planet can be consider as a slow song from Kawada compares to other anime songs from her like Hishoku no Sora (also from Shakugan no Shana), Asu e no Namida (Onegai Twins), and PSI-Missing (To aru Majutsu no Index) and it actually caught me by suprised that her voice can actually sound so soothing and the mid-tempo melody just compliments it all perfectly...check it out at my playlist as always! ^^
I read and copy the translations just before I read the manga above and it really is a damn mistake of me...this song can be considers as quite a sad song...with the longing feeling and all and reading this volume after that just kills me at the heart twice harder...I might post the lyrics here after this...and I'm soooo going to write something from it...
I don't know why I did what I did...listening to this song (I can always stop the song to be frank) while reading the freaking heartbreaking manga...masochist enough? Or maybe I'm just damn emo...tsk~
I'm rambling, damn it.
~The-quite-unstable-at-3AM Heiji
I'm too blur and numb to write something now.
Pardon me.
I was wondering around my blog list as usual and stumble upon this post at Animeshoon I always check this blog for the blogger (I don't know and sure whether it's a he or she...though somehow I think it's a she LOL) always post about the latest anime episodes and stuffs...this time to commemorate with the blog's 2-year anniversaries the blogger put on some links to download a manga (the one on the post title) and 2 movies...which I might download one...depends on my mood~
So...(as if it's not obvious enough) I'm going to recommend the manga (the reason I put the link above is so that you can download it...
Basically, this is a one-volume manga which consist of 4 one-shots altogether...
1) Overhearing a Flower Song
2) Into the Forest of Fireflies' Light (Hotarubi no Mori E)
3) The Fallling of Autumn Leaves
4) Deepening the Scar - deals with incest, and it displays the feelings of a sister towards her brother
The pic and the synopsis below is for the second one-shot and the title of the volume Hotarubi no Mori e...

By HeijiHatsutori at 2009-12-07
A little girl is lost in an enchanted forest and is rescued by a masked young boy. They become friends but the boy refuses to let her touch him. Years pass, the little girl grows up. She returns to the forest and finds that her feelings for the boy has changed. The boy still refuses to be touched, saying that he will disappear...
(credits to
As for the stories...they are all awesome~ My favorite must be the second story...and they make a great choice naming the volume after that particular moved me to tears! I can't really tell how the story goes for all 4 of it (these are all one-shots remember?) and I'm not sure how to portray them to words either so all that I can say is after reading it all, especially the second and the fourth story I feel like my heart just stops breaks my heart and achingly beautiful...and damn, I'm's that good, mind you.
The arts are simple and beautiful and Midorikawa Yuki-sensei is simply awesome...each panels means something and it flows perfectly with the also occurs to me that she is the manga-ka to one of the anime I want to find and download and watch, Natsume Yuujinchou...or something like Natsume's Book of Friends...the series already got the second season and is said to be good and had always pricked my interest...I'm damn sure going to download it after this...
I love following/reading the forums there at Mangafox and the good thing about all these discussions is they usually recommend a similar style manga or something equally as good...and upon landing a recommendation linking to Tsukuba Sakura-sensei I feel like 'damn, that's sooo true!' And now I forgot again to recommend her works...*sigh~*
I'm sorry for not much information perhaps (there's no article for her at Wikipedia and somehow it pissed me off a bit) so I'm going to put on links to read her works at Mangafox
and Onemanga.
They got different works of her at both sites so do check them all out! I'm going to do so too! But really, you HAVE to read this...and enjoys it and maybe cries a bit like's too...oh god I'm out of words to say...
Mind you, not much series can drive me like this...Midorikawa Yuki-sensei is awesome...did I repeat the words now? Pardon my lack of mind simply not in it's best state blur, so numb, and heck, I don't even know what the hell did I type now! ARGHH~
Might as well read her other series before sleep (dang it what time is it now??) and might cries myself to bed...listening to this song (read the music of the day below) in repeat mode does not help me much either...seriously, why am I so emo tonight (or should I say this morning)? I need to snap myself out of it or I'll go crazy...still, do read and enjoy it, people!!
BTW, I started posting on my Livejournal and will put all of my stories there but no worries, I'm not going to abandon this blog...still going to post stories (that makes it 2 blogs for stories!) and rant about...haha~ That journal is going to be specifically for my writing as there are lots of awesome writers there and OMG I already got myself a reader for Literally! I hope by this I'm going to really improve myself and get more idea to write! Still, everyone's support is much loved~ Thanks!
Till the, take care people! Ja ne~
Music of the day: Kawada Mami -Another Planet
P/S: This is one of the OSTs for the anime Shakugan no Shana the first season and I must say I've fallen for Kawada Mami's voice already...there are many songs of hers that become anime songs and I like most of them! I never watch Shakugan no Shana before (the only episode I did watch turns out to be the last episode instead! ARGHH~) but really going to do so!
Another Planet can be consider as a slow song from Kawada compares to other anime songs from her like Hishoku no Sora (also from Shakugan no Shana), Asu e no Namida (Onegai Twins), and PSI-Missing (To aru Majutsu no Index) and it actually caught me by suprised that her voice can actually sound so soothing and the mid-tempo melody just compliments it all perfectly...check it out at my playlist as always! ^^
I read and copy the translations just before I read the manga above and it really is a damn mistake of me...this song can be considers as quite a sad song...with the longing feeling and all and reading this volume after that just kills me at the heart twice harder...I might post the lyrics here after this...and I'm soooo going to write something from it...
I don't know why I did what I did...listening to this song (I can always stop the song to be frank) while reading the freaking heartbreaking manga...masochist enough? Or maybe I'm just damn emo...tsk~
I'm rambling, damn it.
~The-quite-unstable-at-3AM Heiji
I'm too blur and numb to write something now.
Pardon me.
Friday, December 4, 2009
Spiral: Suiri no Kizuna
Ok, let me take a deep breath first...*inhales* huh..*exhales*...that's better~
So! This post, as always, are one of the things from the list here! To be frank, I'm glad that I'm (finally) fulfilling my oh-so-many promises regarding this blog...I'm slow, I know, but hey, at least I did something, right?
Just like the title, this post is all about me recommending this awesomesauce manga titled Spiral: Suiri no Kizuna. Why this story all of the sudden though? That's because...before I'm typing this I just finished reading the manga...meaning the last and final chapter of it! And OMG I feel like crying...I mean, I've been following the manga for a long time and crazily waiting for the continuation and suddenly it's already ending...there's a kind of..lonely feeling...perhaps? I'm also sooo crazy over it I bought the original DVD of the anime! Mind you, I'm quite picky when it comes to money but I bought it...and this series remain the first (and probably the last) anime I ever buy...most of the anime are either self-downloaded or copies from friends...this one is me at least..ok enough rambling! (-_-")
Somehow the emoticons do not really appeal to me anymore...I wonder why?
Spiral: The Bonds of Reasoning (スパイラル〜推理の絆, Spiral: Suiri no Kizuna?) is a fifteen-volume shōnen mystery manga series written by Kyou Shirodaira and illustrated by Eita Mizuno. It was published by Enix and then Square Enix in Monthly Shōnen Gangan from February 2000 to October 2005 and collected in 15 bound volumes. The series focuses on Ayumu Narumi and his efforts to solve the mystery of the Blade Children, cursed geniuses with cat-like eyes lacking a seventh rib bone. A prequel series by Shirodaira and Mizuno, called Spiral: Alive, was published in Gangan Wing and Monthly Shōnen Gangan from April 2004 to June 2008 and collected in five bound volumes.
Two years ago, Ayumu Narumi's older brother Kiyotaka, a famous detective and pianist, disappears without a trace. Ayumu's only clue as to his brother's whereabouts is the phrase "Blade Children," the only words Ayumu could make out in Kiyotaka's final phone call. Now in high school, Ayumu becomes involved in solving in a series of murders and other incidents, all related to the Blade Children. Together with his school's journalist, Hiyono Yuizaki, and the unwilling assistance of his sister-in-law, Madoka, Ayumu tries to figure out who the Blade Children are and what are their goals.
The Blade Children are the central mystery of the series, known only as cursed children that few know about and are being pursued by so-called Hunters. They are distinguished by their cat-like eyes and by missing the seventh right rib bone. As Ayumu investigates them, he meets Blade Children Kousuke Asazuki, Rio Takeuchi, Eyes Rutherford, Ryoko Takamachi, and Kanone Hilbert, and is tested in various ways by them. Those who meet him eventually conclude, some more reluctantly than others, that Ayumu does have what it takes to "save" the Blade Children, as they say Kiyotaka claims.
The anime series, which adapts the story through the sixth volume of the manga, compares the Blade Children to cuckoo birds, having been deposited in human "nests" to be raised, and suggesting that cuckoos go violently crazy toward the end of their lives. The manga continues the story, depicting Ayumu's discoveries about the origin of the Blade Children, their relationship with Kiyotaka, and why his older brother thinks Ayumu might be their savior.
Some thirty years ago, a man called Yaiba Mizushiro was born with one rib missing from his right ribcage. Like Kiyotaka, he excelled at everything he chose to put his mind to. When he turned twenty-three, Yaiba started his own secret society, which swiftly grew powerful enough to manipulate world events. Citing boredom, Yaiba initiated the "Blade Children Project": using in vitro techniques and his DNA, he created eighty children, and had a rib removed from each of them at birth as a mark of their relationship to Yaiba. These Blade Children were cursed in the same way Yaiba was: they would grow up as geniuses in their own right, but one day their blood would awaken murderously and take over their self-will, becoming avatars of Yaiba. Yaiba's organization split into three parties over the Blade Children Project:
* The Savers supported Yaiba's goals and desire to create more Blade Children. With Yaiba's death, they sought to protect the fact the future had not been determined yet.
* The Watchers were neutral, wanting to observe the first batch of Children and gather results first.
* The Hunters were against Yaiba, and tried multiple times to assassinate him, but repeatedly failed. After Yaiba's death, they worked to eliminate the Blade Children because of their potentially dangerous natures.
When Yaiba was thirty-six, a Japanese man came out of nowhere and easily killed him: Kiyotaka Narumi, Yaiba's counterpart—if Yaiba had been a destroyer, Kiyotaka was a creator. Yaiba had intended to remake the world literally in his own image; with his death, the Blade Children project was halted. Kiyotaka had his hands full trying to stop the Hunters from killing the Blade Children, while trying to check the Savers at the same time.
Just as Kiyotaka and Yaiba were linked, Ayumu eventually meets his own counterpart: Hizumi Mizushiro, Yaiba's younger brother, and the one who will awaken the blood of the remaining Blade Children. As Ayumu comes to know and becomes friends with Hizumi, he comes to accept his own powers are as strong as Kiyotaka's and his role as the savior of the Blade Children, leading to a final confrontation that resolves things once and for all. (Credits to wikipedia as always~)

By heijihatsutori at 2009-12-04
Characters from Spiral: Suiri no Kizuna from left- Kanone Hilbert, Eyes Rutherford, Kousuke Asazuki, Ryoko Takamachi, Rio Takeuchi (sitting), Ayumu Narumi, and Hiyono Yuizaki.
I'm also reading/following the prequel, Spiral: Alive (which is in a damn long hiatus now...darn it!) but as the series is not finished yet so I'm not going to touch anything about that...
Basically, Spiral:Suiri no Kizuna (refers after this simply as Spiral) is a very suspense and full-of-mystery type of a story...while it may seem like a norm mystery-solving type at the beginning, the development of the plot in regrds to the deep mystery of the Blade Children holds the plot together and immediately separates this series from others...don't expect the stereotypes murder-solve the mystery-catch the culprit-next case kind of story for this is absolutely NOT that category...everything seems so blurry and connected to one another but slowly, as the story goes, layers of the mystery starts to unfold and that's when you'll never let go of the me, I'm speaking from experience here...
The artwork is extremely good and well done...though this may sounds exaggerating but really, I love the manga's artwork more than its anime...each panel is largely drawn and although this is a kind-of heavy story what with the mystery and all but the artwork might makes you mistaken it as a shoujo manga don't have imaginary flowers around the characters for God's sake but it's the smooth style of the art that may win you an example here is Ayumu, the main character in manga and anime...I don't know what you might think...but somehow I think Ayumu is cooler in manga than anime...might jut be me though...

By heijihatsutori at 2009-12-04
Ayumu- Manga version

By heijihatsutori at 2009-12-04
Ayumu- Anime version
The characters in the series are distinguishable and each of them play an important in building up the there are a wide variety of them...unlike the usual series, who is good or bad is ambiguous in Spiral, there is no clear line for what is 'good' and what is 'bad'...which make things even more the story flows you might end up liking the character you loathes and vice versa...for it all depends on what do you really holds on while reading...indeed, like me, you might end up liking them all! The mixture of personality is what makes them unforgettable and makes me realize that 'ah...they are humans after all~ ' and hopes they all will have a happy ending...which is quite unlikely of me actually...I'm quite a negative person to be frank...
Also, my favorite in the series must be the main character...Ayumu Narumi...he's too cool for words! hahaha~ Ayumu is very intelligent, but is very introverted and has a lot of self-doubt. He fears that he cannot surpass his own perfect older brother and doubts himself to the point where he no longer believes he can do anything anymore without acting like his brother. He is a talented pianist like Kiyotaka, an excellent cook, and cares a lot for his sister-in-law Madoka. (credits to Wikipedia~ ^^) I have to admit that perhaps I like the troubled (perhaps in their personality?) character in any series I loved...remembering Lt. Rei Fukai (extremely unsocial) in Yukikaze, Okazaki Tomoya (delinquent/family problem) -Clannad and Yoite (too much trouble for a human to handle) -Nabari no Ou...heh~
Spiral is indeed a series full of mystery and it never fails to make you go 'what??!'...and trust me, when a series manage to do that, that means it's a good one...for you'll not going to get bored...and to me, that generates the enjoyment in following the series! The mysteries might makes your head go blank for a few moments but you'll be satisfied once the layers of truth is peeled off one by one...believe me...this one is good!!
As I've mentioned above, this series also have an anime and...this might sound weird but to be honest the manga is a whole lot better than the anime...of course, the anime is enjoyable too but if I'm to choose, I'll pick the manga, hands down...the anime is good if you want some introduction to the story..most people gets some idea of the story from the anime...but really...the anime is quite a hang-over in terms of plot...(and I don't like the soundtrack much) which is quite dissapointing even to me and it might leaves you frustrated a bit...even so, I don't regret buying it so it might be good to you! Again, the manga is pure win...seriously...
This is my first time recommending a manga here and I really, really hope that it'll turn out ok and I do this series a justice...^^
To end this, I put some pictures (mostly from the manga and a lot of Ayumu -mind you I'm bias) from my oh-so-many collections and a quote from Ayumu:
"The melody of logic will always play out the truth"

By heijihatsutori at 2009-12-04

By HeijiHatsutori at 2009-12-04
Ayumu with his counterpart Hizumi Mizushiro.

By heijihatsutori at 2009-12-04

By heijihatsutori at 2009-12-04
With Kanone Hilbert.

By HeijiHatsutori at 2009-12-04
With Eyes Rutherford.

By HeijiHatsutori at 2009-12-04
With Hiyono Yuizaki.

By HeijiHatsutori at 2009-12-04
Kanone Hilbert, Ayumu Narumi, Kousuke Asazuki, Eyes Rutherford.

By heijihatsutori at 2009-12-04

By HeijiHatsutori at 2009-12-04
The woman on the panel above Kousuke and Ryoko's is Madoka Narumi, Ayumu's sister-in-law.

By heijihatsutori at 2009-12-04
That's a lot~ Till then, ja ne~
Music of the day: Death Cab for Cutie -Meet Me on the Equinox
P/S: Heard this song for the fist time on MTV 2 days ago and now listens to it on repeat mode...already loving it! Apparently it's the soundtrack for the film New Moon, the second installment of the Twilight saga...I'm not a fan of it and nor did I watch film much at the first place but they really got good songs as their soundtrack...remember Twillight's 'Decode' from that one too...
Back to the song, I've just heard the name of the band before but don't really remember any of their when I first hear the song I was like 'hey, that sounds cool!' kind-of feeling...the guitar and the melody (apparently, the lyrics too) suits the mv and the overall mood of the story...I kind of have an idea what the Twilight story is all about so I have to say the song makes a good soundtrack...but even if it's not I'm sure this song will still rocks the charts! The arrangements of the song is soo cool and really, I love the guitar...the vocal of the main singer also suits the song perfectly...
Overall, this song is super cool (listens to it while reading the last chapter of Spiral does not help me much in controlling my emo self, really) check it out! Listen to it at my playlist below!
~The-emo-and-supposed-to-be-sleeping-now Heiji.
The wind blows softly, twirling on his hair, brushing past his cheeks, hugging his small frame. A hand reaches out to his and he understands.
That everything, everything ends.
Ok, let me take a deep breath first...*inhales* huh..*exhales*...that's better~
So! This post, as always, are one of the things from the list here! To be frank, I'm glad that I'm (finally) fulfilling my oh-so-many promises regarding this blog...I'm slow, I know, but hey, at least I did something, right?
Just like the title, this post is all about me recommending this awesomesauce manga titled Spiral: Suiri no Kizuna. Why this story all of the sudden though? That's because...before I'm typing this I just finished reading the manga...meaning the last and final chapter of it! And OMG I feel like crying...I mean, I've been following the manga for a long time and crazily waiting for the continuation and suddenly it's already ending...there's a kind of..lonely feeling...perhaps? I'm also sooo crazy over it I bought the original DVD of the anime! Mind you, I'm quite picky when it comes to money but I bought it...and this series remain the first (and probably the last) anime I ever buy...most of the anime are either self-downloaded or copies from friends...this one is me at least..ok enough rambling! (-_-")
Somehow the emoticons do not really appeal to me anymore...I wonder why?
Spiral: The Bonds of Reasoning (スパイラル〜推理の絆, Spiral: Suiri no Kizuna?) is a fifteen-volume shōnen mystery manga series written by Kyou Shirodaira and illustrated by Eita Mizuno. It was published by Enix and then Square Enix in Monthly Shōnen Gangan from February 2000 to October 2005 and collected in 15 bound volumes. The series focuses on Ayumu Narumi and his efforts to solve the mystery of the Blade Children, cursed geniuses with cat-like eyes lacking a seventh rib bone. A prequel series by Shirodaira and Mizuno, called Spiral: Alive, was published in Gangan Wing and Monthly Shōnen Gangan from April 2004 to June 2008 and collected in five bound volumes.
Two years ago, Ayumu Narumi's older brother Kiyotaka, a famous detective and pianist, disappears without a trace. Ayumu's only clue as to his brother's whereabouts is the phrase "Blade Children," the only words Ayumu could make out in Kiyotaka's final phone call. Now in high school, Ayumu becomes involved in solving in a series of murders and other incidents, all related to the Blade Children. Together with his school's journalist, Hiyono Yuizaki, and the unwilling assistance of his sister-in-law, Madoka, Ayumu tries to figure out who the Blade Children are and what are their goals.
The Blade Children are the central mystery of the series, known only as cursed children that few know about and are being pursued by so-called Hunters. They are distinguished by their cat-like eyes and by missing the seventh right rib bone. As Ayumu investigates them, he meets Blade Children Kousuke Asazuki, Rio Takeuchi, Eyes Rutherford, Ryoko Takamachi, and Kanone Hilbert, and is tested in various ways by them. Those who meet him eventually conclude, some more reluctantly than others, that Ayumu does have what it takes to "save" the Blade Children, as they say Kiyotaka claims.
The anime series, which adapts the story through the sixth volume of the manga, compares the Blade Children to cuckoo birds, having been deposited in human "nests" to be raised, and suggesting that cuckoos go violently crazy toward the end of their lives. The manga continues the story, depicting Ayumu's discoveries about the origin of the Blade Children, their relationship with Kiyotaka, and why his older brother thinks Ayumu might be their savior.
Some thirty years ago, a man called Yaiba Mizushiro was born with one rib missing from his right ribcage. Like Kiyotaka, he excelled at everything he chose to put his mind to. When he turned twenty-three, Yaiba started his own secret society, which swiftly grew powerful enough to manipulate world events. Citing boredom, Yaiba initiated the "Blade Children Project": using in vitro techniques and his DNA, he created eighty children, and had a rib removed from each of them at birth as a mark of their relationship to Yaiba. These Blade Children were cursed in the same way Yaiba was: they would grow up as geniuses in their own right, but one day their blood would awaken murderously and take over their self-will, becoming avatars of Yaiba. Yaiba's organization split into three parties over the Blade Children Project:
* The Savers supported Yaiba's goals and desire to create more Blade Children. With Yaiba's death, they sought to protect the fact the future had not been determined yet.
* The Watchers were neutral, wanting to observe the first batch of Children and gather results first.
* The Hunters were against Yaiba, and tried multiple times to assassinate him, but repeatedly failed. After Yaiba's death, they worked to eliminate the Blade Children because of their potentially dangerous natures.
When Yaiba was thirty-six, a Japanese man came out of nowhere and easily killed him: Kiyotaka Narumi, Yaiba's counterpart—if Yaiba had been a destroyer, Kiyotaka was a creator. Yaiba had intended to remake the world literally in his own image; with his death, the Blade Children project was halted. Kiyotaka had his hands full trying to stop the Hunters from killing the Blade Children, while trying to check the Savers at the same time.
Just as Kiyotaka and Yaiba were linked, Ayumu eventually meets his own counterpart: Hizumi Mizushiro, Yaiba's younger brother, and the one who will awaken the blood of the remaining Blade Children. As Ayumu comes to know and becomes friends with Hizumi, he comes to accept his own powers are as strong as Kiyotaka's and his role as the savior of the Blade Children, leading to a final confrontation that resolves things once and for all. (Credits to wikipedia as always~)

By heijihatsutori at 2009-12-04
Characters from Spiral: Suiri no Kizuna from left- Kanone Hilbert, Eyes Rutherford, Kousuke Asazuki, Ryoko Takamachi, Rio Takeuchi (sitting), Ayumu Narumi, and Hiyono Yuizaki.
I'm also reading/following the prequel, Spiral: Alive (which is in a damn long hiatus now...darn it!) but as the series is not finished yet so I'm not going to touch anything about that...
Basically, Spiral:Suiri no Kizuna (refers after this simply as Spiral) is a very suspense and full-of-mystery type of a story...while it may seem like a norm mystery-solving type at the beginning, the development of the plot in regrds to the deep mystery of the Blade Children holds the plot together and immediately separates this series from others...don't expect the stereotypes murder-solve the mystery-catch the culprit-next case kind of story for this is absolutely NOT that category...everything seems so blurry and connected to one another but slowly, as the story goes, layers of the mystery starts to unfold and that's when you'll never let go of the me, I'm speaking from experience here...
The artwork is extremely good and well done...though this may sounds exaggerating but really, I love the manga's artwork more than its anime...each panel is largely drawn and although this is a kind-of heavy story what with the mystery and all but the artwork might makes you mistaken it as a shoujo manga don't have imaginary flowers around the characters for God's sake but it's the smooth style of the art that may win you an example here is Ayumu, the main character in manga and anime...I don't know what you might think...but somehow I think Ayumu is cooler in manga than anime...might jut be me though...

By heijihatsutori at 2009-12-04
Ayumu- Manga version

By heijihatsutori at 2009-12-04
Ayumu- Anime version
The characters in the series are distinguishable and each of them play an important in building up the there are a wide variety of them...unlike the usual series, who is good or bad is ambiguous in Spiral, there is no clear line for what is 'good' and what is 'bad'...which make things even more the story flows you might end up liking the character you loathes and vice versa...for it all depends on what do you really holds on while reading...indeed, like me, you might end up liking them all! The mixture of personality is what makes them unforgettable and makes me realize that 'ah...they are humans after all~ ' and hopes they all will have a happy ending...which is quite unlikely of me actually...I'm quite a negative person to be frank...
Also, my favorite in the series must be the main character...Ayumu Narumi...he's too cool for words! hahaha~ Ayumu is very intelligent, but is very introverted and has a lot of self-doubt. He fears that he cannot surpass his own perfect older brother and doubts himself to the point where he no longer believes he can do anything anymore without acting like his brother. He is a talented pianist like Kiyotaka, an excellent cook, and cares a lot for his sister-in-law Madoka. (credits to Wikipedia~ ^^) I have to admit that perhaps I like the troubled (perhaps in their personality?) character in any series I loved...remembering Lt. Rei Fukai (extremely unsocial) in Yukikaze, Okazaki Tomoya (delinquent/family problem) -Clannad and Yoite (too much trouble for a human to handle) -Nabari no Ou...heh~
Spiral is indeed a series full of mystery and it never fails to make you go 'what??!'...and trust me, when a series manage to do that, that means it's a good one...for you'll not going to get bored...and to me, that generates the enjoyment in following the series! The mysteries might makes your head go blank for a few moments but you'll be satisfied once the layers of truth is peeled off one by one...believe me...this one is good!!
As I've mentioned above, this series also have an anime and...this might sound weird but to be honest the manga is a whole lot better than the anime...of course, the anime is enjoyable too but if I'm to choose, I'll pick the manga, hands down...the anime is good if you want some introduction to the story..most people gets some idea of the story from the anime...but really...the anime is quite a hang-over in terms of plot...(and I don't like the soundtrack much) which is quite dissapointing even to me and it might leaves you frustrated a bit...even so, I don't regret buying it so it might be good to you! Again, the manga is pure win...seriously...
This is my first time recommending a manga here and I really, really hope that it'll turn out ok and I do this series a justice...^^
To end this, I put some pictures (mostly from the manga and a lot of Ayumu -mind you I'm bias) from my oh-so-many collections and a quote from Ayumu:
"The melody of logic will always play out the truth"

By heijihatsutori at 2009-12-04

By HeijiHatsutori at 2009-12-04
Ayumu with his counterpart Hizumi Mizushiro.

By heijihatsutori at 2009-12-04

By heijihatsutori at 2009-12-04
With Kanone Hilbert.

By HeijiHatsutori at 2009-12-04
With Eyes Rutherford.

By HeijiHatsutori at 2009-12-04
With Hiyono Yuizaki.

By HeijiHatsutori at 2009-12-04
Kanone Hilbert, Ayumu Narumi, Kousuke Asazuki, Eyes Rutherford.

By heijihatsutori at 2009-12-04

By HeijiHatsutori at 2009-12-04
The woman on the panel above Kousuke and Ryoko's is Madoka Narumi, Ayumu's sister-in-law.

By heijihatsutori at 2009-12-04
That's a lot~ Till then, ja ne~
Music of the day: Death Cab for Cutie -Meet Me on the Equinox
P/S: Heard this song for the fist time on MTV 2 days ago and now listens to it on repeat mode...already loving it! Apparently it's the soundtrack for the film New Moon, the second installment of the Twilight saga...I'm not a fan of it and nor did I watch film much at the first place but they really got good songs as their soundtrack...remember Twillight's 'Decode' from that one too...
Back to the song, I've just heard the name of the band before but don't really remember any of their when I first hear the song I was like 'hey, that sounds cool!' kind-of feeling...the guitar and the melody (apparently, the lyrics too) suits the mv and the overall mood of the story...I kind of have an idea what the Twilight story is all about so I have to say the song makes a good soundtrack...but even if it's not I'm sure this song will still rocks the charts! The arrangements of the song is soo cool and really, I love the guitar...the vocal of the main singer also suits the song perfectly...
Overall, this song is super cool (listens to it while reading the last chapter of Spiral does not help me much in controlling my emo self, really) check it out! Listen to it at my playlist below!
~The-emo-and-supposed-to-be-sleeping-now Heiji.
The wind blows softly, twirling on his hair, brushing past his cheeks, hugging his small frame. A hand reaches out to his and he understands.
That everything, everything ends.
Thursday, December 3, 2009
EDITED: A Butterfly, A Louvre, and (Not) A Freer -Part 1-
Hi! Ok, basically this post is just me trying to make sure my story is posted with the right format like I want...I found some solutions from this page and this page, which I found while nosing around this can click the link at my blog list too...they really have awesome stuffs for blogger there! Though when I think about it, I can't seem to remember how or why I put it there at first place...but now I'm glad I did whatever the reason was! ^^
So, here is the edited one of the first part of the three-shot...hope it'll be okay!
EDIT: I break my back to find the perfect solution and apparently my blog hates me too much to do so...I end up editing it ALL OVER AGAIN MYSELF AFTER WASTING A FREAKING 2 HOURS you can imagine my current mental state now...also, this is quite unlikely of me (when it comes to computers and stuffs)...but I think I'll give up...apparently there are some people who have the same problem as me and somehow that makes me (a bit?) okay in the inside...I won't bother anymore...really...but if you know and can help me...please do tell! Thanks~
P/S: Apparently I've discovered the 'compose' function (really, I'm lame, I know) when editing and messing around so somehow I did know/learn something out of all this...guess it's not that bad...perhaps...
*too lazy/mad for emoticon in this post...might change the template too...expect a new/simpler look for my sister's been complaining about the colour..T_T*
Here's the story~
Part 1
Day 1
It was a dream.
He does not quite sure at first, but when his History teacher kicks him out of the class it becomes clear enough for him to understand. Still, even after standing outside for almost one hour period he can still hear whispers of the soft melody in his ears. He blames it on the loud speaker his roommate ‘accidentally’ put beside his ears this morning; in an attempt to wake him up, or so he said.
He did not buy any of it.
Day 27
The air buzzes with excitement; a new student is coming, or so they said. He does not bother, just shrug it off and immediately falls asleep the moment his head touches the desk. He wakes up with a jolt when his Math teacher screams her lungs out and he is kicked out of the class, again. He feels his body burns like fire and he might just catch a fever. Still, he stands there like nothing happens, an angelic smile etched in his brain along with the beautiful melody from what he assumes as the dream like before. When he collapsed later and found himself in the nurse’s office he blames it on the insomnia he suffered the past few days, though the nurse simply said he sleeps too much.
He did not buy any of it.
Day 46
The whole class let out a frustrated groan when the Arts teacher announced the theme of the next project, humans; as in your own partner. He is truly awake now, Arts is his favorite and perhaps his best subject; although some may say that he still look half-sleepy. He blames it on his droopy eyes but he is not one to care much about other’s opinion on him, so he drops the blame off. Besides, he likes his eyes the way it is. Throwing his glance out of the window, he starts scribbling randomly on the canvas. The odd number of students in the class leaves him with no partner to begin with, not like he cares anyway. Everybody starts moving around and discussing the project when he suddenly feels a presence behind him. He turns just in time to catch all eyes on him, especially the guys, much to his dismay. He do not speak much in class, the odd one out after all, and heck he do not even knows the name of his classmate save for the class president! Ignoring them altogether he turns to the person behind him, a girl, with a beautiful smile and silky long blonde hair.
“The teacher says that you will be my partner. May I sit here?”
Day 27
“Class, this is your new classmate, please be nice to her, ok?”
The boys are all nodding enthusiastically, hearts forming in their eyes, much to the annoyance of the girls. The new girl smiles warmly, eyeing her new classmates and notices a boy sleeping at the far end of the row seat, next to the window. She takes a seat at the back, an empty seat separating her and the sleeping boy. Her warm and kind nature won the hearts of the girls and she even find lots of new friends in her first day. By the end of the day, she gets to know the name of everybody in the class and befriend them but the sleeping boy who happens to collapse after standing for two hours outside of the class as detention for sleeping.
Day 46
He eyes her with a confused look in the face. He is absolutely sure that he does not have a partner but then again he might be wrong somehow, he never notices his surroundings after all. He remembered before that they got themselves a new student but he did not quite sure which one is it. Shrugging his messy thought off he just nods and the girl sits beside him, still smiling. He nods in acknowledgement; he does not interact much with people, let alone girls, and turns to focus on his canvas again, putting a new one to get ready for the project. He can feel intense stares from his classmates, mostly from the boys, for this girl is indeed pretty. Perhaps they are jealous of him for being able to have her as a partner, not like he really cares.
“So, who should start draw first?”
“I don’t mine.”
“Then, can I start?”
He simply nods and is about to stand when she stops him.
“Just stay like that, its fine already. I can draw best from a person’s side rather than in front.”
He sits again as she turns to face him, her canvas between them and starts drawing. He throws his glance out again and starts sketching. Deep inside he feels glad that he do not have to face her, for it will be awkward enough for him. Still, even in this position he feels bad already as he can feel her eyes on him. Focusing on the sketch he pretends like his alone, like she is not there at the first place.
Day 47
She enters the supposed-to-be-empty class to find her Arts partner sleeping on his seat. The head on the desk, both arms act as a pillow, the body touches the wall, as the face turns to his right, meaning he faces the class. The ray of sunlight shines in through the window and hits his body. She finds it a beautiful sight. Taking her seat like before, she pulls out her canvas, and starts to draw.
Day 53
“I finished my sketch so it should be your turn now.”
He nods. She turns and makes her way to the door before she turns once again.
“Are you sure you only need my picture? We can arrange some time, I’ll be glad to help. You’re my partner after all.”
He just shook his head and smiles a bit, meaning it’s more than enough already. She nods and starts moving again.
“Good luck!”
He nods as the door closes. He attaches the full-body picture of her on top-left of his canvas, closes his eyes, hums the unknown melody and starts sketching.
Day 35
He stands there, at the rooftop. There is no one around for it is actually class time. If he is a studious student he will be in class paying attention to Biology right now, but apparently he is not so he skipped the class instead. He always sucks at Biology anyway, and somehow he is just not in the mood. He closes his eyes, feeling the wind, and he hums the beautiful melody. Somehow, he knows it by heart already. Anybody would, he thinks, when there’s nothing you can hear but the melody whenever you closes your eyes. He calls it a dream, but it’s not like he sleeps every time. Well most of the time he did but this is different. He tries to understand further but he finds himself lost track of the melody and it irritates him somehow as his head starts to hurt. He is not a bright one in thinking after all so he decides to drop it off.
Day 50
He closes his eyes, relaxing himself. Soon enough he is overwhelm with the melody, lifting him up, crushing into the sky. He can barely feel the ground beneath him. The first few times it happened he think about it too much he developed a massive headache he thought he was going to die. But as time passes by he slowly adapt to the situation and somehow, he likes it. He no longer wants to analyze or try to fight it. He does not even care if it makes no sense at all. He just know one thing, it’s like zero gravity. And that is all he needs to know. Or so he thought. Until he sees the angelic smile, the presence of white he never understands, clearer than ever, for the first time.
He opens his eyes, back to reality. The rooftop door opens as he turns around. She smiles at him.
“It’s you.”
It’s his Arts partner.
Day 54
She catches him humming the tune while sketching and he almost dies of heart attack. He never knows who or what the white presence is, and he, being simple-minded and all decides not to bother. But the fact that her smile and the angelic smile is 120% the same did mess up with his poor brain. In the end, somehow, he ends up telling her about it. When he is done, he steals a glance at her face and has the sudden urge to jump from the 4th floor. But instead of being shocked and all she smiles and thank him for telling her that before runs to the rooftop door.
He did not buy any of it.
Day 66
He finishes the 5th sketch of her at the rooftop yet somehow he is not satisfied. There is something missing in it, he knows, but he is too tired to figure out what it is. His insomniac problem the past few days does not help much either. He is about to hum the tune and lost in the clouds when the door opens, and she walks up to him. She is full of smiles as she thanks him again and again for telling her what she assumes as the out-of-the-body experience. She hands him a poster and immediately it all dawns up to him. It seems that she had joined a club already and decided on it right after he finished told her the bewildering story.
“I’ll re-learn the move to fly.”
He nods knowingly as she smiles. When she gets up to leave, she gives him one of the best smiles she has and he finds out the missing piece instantly. He picks up his canvas and starts to draw.
Day 76
He looks at his sketch of her, a big marvelous A at the back of the canvas. His Art teacher must have liked the piece so much he offers to buy it from him, which he politely declines. She smiles, bright and all as the teacher displays it for all to see. But she smiles even brighter as he gives the sketch to her as a present. Inside his bag is a sketch of him sleeping, which might earn her a better A if she hand it to the teacher. Somehow, she did not do so.
Her first sketch of him being awkward and all earn a B++, and she is satisfied already, much to his amusement.
Day 59
The class ends earlier than usual today, as everybody excluding him is busy with the meetings for the upcoming school festival. The festival is less than 2 months from now but the excitement already fill up the air around him, not like he really cares. He gathers up his belongings and makes his way out when he bumps into his Arts teacher at the door.
“I was looking for you! Can you help me for a bit? Well, it’s the usual thing actually, if you don’t mind this time...”
He answers before the teacher can even finish his sentence, and smiles, agreeing.
Day 82
The hallway is full with posters for the upcoming festival and he do not fail to recognize one of them as the one she showed him before. Black and white contradicts yet beautifully blends with each other. He does not exaggerating when he thinks that the poster outshines the others in terms of Arts. Maybe the black background color leaves an impression to him. He always loves black in his painting as he thinks its mystery, cool, and beautiful.
“The poster is not just pretty, don’t you think?”
He nods. There is a certain aura perhaps on it that makes it stand out. He wonders who creates it but then again it must be one of teachers. It’s from the Arts department after all.
“Do you have some time? There is something I want to show you.”
He simply nods and follows her from behind. The festival has always been considered as the biggest event in the school after the graduation and the whole school is getting involved, whether in exhibitions, performances, anything to make it more interesting. While many would prefer to take part or even organizing and be in-charge, he feels contempt enough to observe the situation from the rooftop, and scribble something. If he is in the mood he might even sketch on his canvas, or just strolling around aimlessly.
They reach the third floor and there are less people around. Most of the rooms on this floor belonged to the old clubs that do not even existed or function now and left abandoned, for new clubs occupies the first or the second floor of this building. He is a member of the Arts club, though he never even goes to the club’s meeting once to save his life, he only joins because it is compulsory for each student to participate in co-curriculum activities. The advisor of the club, who is also, happens to be his class’ Arts teacher never really mined his behavior, as long as he helps him occasionally with the Arts gallery outside the club room. And he does not mind one bit. He loves drawing, sketching, painting, anything to do with Art. He can never grow tired or bored with it.
She stops in front of the door of the room which is at the far end of the hallway, opening it and motions him inside. Somehow, he feels like he just loses himself and when he realizes it he can feel his eyes grow wider at the sight and he turns to face her. Shock and surprised clearly written on his face.
Her smile is so bright it can beat the sun effortlessly.
Day 71
Somehow, he ends up falling asleep at the rooftop and for the first time in his life, he skips the Arts class, much to his own chagrin. When he wakes up he realizes that he had skips almost 3 classes already, with the Arts class at the beginning of his schedule. Grabbing his canvas and his bag he rushes to the teacher’s office; today is the due date for the Arts project. As he runs, his surroundings are nothing but a blur; grey and white filling the background, like his sketch. He can hear nothing but his own heart pounding hard, threatening to escape from his ribs. He can hardly feel his legs, as if it has gone numb already. Somehow, he feels like he is in a different world altogether, for he can feel like his body is flying, and even his poor brain knows that it is not possible, at least not to him.
He blinks once, twice, three times, and he is a goner.
Day 19
He is not one with sports; at least that is what he thinks. Like now, when everybody is baring the heat and shouting their lungs out to support their team in the competitions, he is up here, at the rooftops, looking down and rolling his pencil between the fingers, searching for something good to sketch. It is the final day of the Sports Week and all the final events are being held today, which explains the high atmosphere on the air at the moment. He enjoys this actually, the spirit of everything, for it may be a great idea and subject for his art. The scorching sun shines brightly and the breeze that blows softly adds up to the blissful feeling. He hums the nameless tune and closes his eyes, feeling his heart grows lighter. The sound of paper catches him off guard and before he knows it his sketches are already scattered high above him, gone with the wind. The sight is fascinating, even to him. He must have forgotten to put his bag on them so that they will not go off, like now. Realizing the situation, he immediately snaps his head and watches in horror as all his precious sketches fly away from him and falling to the ground. He cannot bear losing them, not his sketches. One step backwards, two, and he runs off, determines to get them back.
He runs and runs, like there is no tomorrow.
Day 82
He is ready to run now. He can feel his head thumping hard, dizzy. His breathing quickens in pace, makes himself choke of air. He does not want to see it; he does not want to remember. He has been successful in forgetting it all completely before, he would not let it all go in vain. He feels angry with himself; he should have seen this coming, and it is not like he does not know what the room they are entering used to be before, he knows it damn too well, for he had spent almost all his time in school avoiding it like a plague. He closes his eyes, turns back to the door where she is still standing and ready to make a dash for it when she shield the door with her body, the right arm spread out, leaving him no room for the door. No matter how indifferent a person he is, he does not think that he could just simply runs past her straight away. He is a boy after all, there must be a difference in their strength, he might hurt her somewhere along the way, and he does not want to do that. He does not think he can bear it, hurting a girl. And for the first time he hates himself for being so considerate when he feels like dying himself just by simply be there.
He takes a step forward, and when their eyes meet, he can see flashes of determination in the pair of hazel eyes, she just will never let him go easily for sure. Still, he wants to leave, and he takes his chances, by moving another step closer, yet, she is still there. This extreme twist of event is perhaps a bit too much to his brain he cannot seems to think straight but he do knows that this girl is indeed stronger than she looks, heck she does not even flinch one bit!
The air somehow becomes so thick and tense he does not know what to do. She knows, he thinks. She knows something, she might already know him somewhere before, it is weird for somebody to be friendly with him anyway, no matter how kind a person is. He has to admit that she is a kind girl, and all this thinking is driving him up the wall. He is tired now, the silence is killing him and his mind has gone blank. He wants to go, leave the room, the music room with the black grand piano. He cannot take this, not after all these years. He hangs his head low, walks to the door, not even sparing a glance or look at her. He only stops when the only thing separating him with the big wooden door is her right arm spread across. Her eyes are still on his, eyeing his very movement, never let go. He reaches over to the doorknob and she breaks the silence.
“I’m not going to let you leave, no, not anymore.”
He takes another step and turns the knob.
“You heart and mind may forget it all but your body remembers. When you saw the piano you went straight to it, you opened the piano lid. You stop just before you hit the key.”
Slowly, he grabs her arm with his right hand, pushing it aside, clearing the way and opens the door. There is a strong sense of déja vu the moment he steps outside.
“Don’t you get it? The tune you’ve been humming to? I know that you know what I know.”
All that he knows is she is looking at him now, he can feel her stare on his back.
“Your color is grey.”
He walks on, does not elaborate further. She might not get what he means by it, but maybe she does, he does not know. From the end of the empty hallway, her voice reaches him before he disappears from her sight.
“I’m not letting you runaway...”
It echoes between them.
Remember, comments are loved! ^^
Music of the day: Jay Sean- Ride It
P/S: I don't know much about him though remember loved his song Stolen some years ago...I came across this mv on Hitz.Tv just before I wrote this post and even though I watched about only the halfway end of it the song just caught me off-guard! You can say I don't really care much about the story behind the mv but focusing on the song instead! Love the chorus and the melody easily make its way towards my head...
Just imagine it, the moment I sit down in front of my laptop the first thing I do is search for the song on Google and download it and now listening to it on repeat mode...haha~ Too bad the song is short (less than 3 minutes! Going to search if there's a longer version)...and apparently this song is his cover from the original singer JJ 650 (have no idea who the hell is this).
I'm going to put it on my playlist after this (the page loads damn slow) so hope that it'll be there when you read this! If don't, just stay around for I'll be damn sure going to put it on my playlist! Also, just so you know, I watched it on the section (?) Soulfood on Hitz...who knows you might come across it too! ^^
~The-hopeful Heiji
EDIT: The-hopeful-giving-up Heiji
He keeps on telling himself, it's fine, everything's fine, but he knows it's useless lying, the look on the person in front tells him all that he needs to know. Still, he wants to at least assures himself that, so he says it.
"I'm fine."
The eyes shines with pity and he has the sudden urge to walk away. He can almost hear the next words in his head even before he hears it.
"If that's the truth, then why?"
He does not want to hear it.
"Why are you crying?"
So, here is the edited one of the first part of the three-shot...hope it'll be okay!
EDIT: I break my back to find the perfect solution and apparently my blog hates me too much to do so...I end up editing it ALL OVER AGAIN MYSELF AFTER WASTING A FREAKING 2 HOURS you can imagine my current mental state now...also, this is quite unlikely of me (when it comes to computers and stuffs)...but I think I'll give up...apparently there are some people who have the same problem as me and somehow that makes me (a bit?) okay in the inside...I won't bother anymore...really...but if you know and can help me...please do tell! Thanks~
P/S: Apparently I've discovered the 'compose' function (really, I'm lame, I know) when editing and messing around so somehow I did know/learn something out of all this...guess it's not that bad...perhaps...
*too lazy/mad for emoticon in this post...might change the template too...expect a new/simpler look for my sister's been complaining about the colour..T_T*
Here's the story~
Part 1
Bolero- The whisper of yesterday’s fantasy
In a form of a grey butterfly
In a form of a grey butterfly
On the floating darkness of the moon’s stage
I saw you dancing in my dreams
Day 1
It was a dream.
He does not quite sure at first, but when his History teacher kicks him out of the class it becomes clear enough for him to understand. Still, even after standing outside for almost one hour period he can still hear whispers of the soft melody in his ears. He blames it on the loud speaker his roommate ‘accidentally’ put beside his ears this morning; in an attempt to wake him up, or so he said.
He did not buy any of it.
Day 27
The air buzzes with excitement; a new student is coming, or so they said. He does not bother, just shrug it off and immediately falls asleep the moment his head touches the desk. He wakes up with a jolt when his Math teacher screams her lungs out and he is kicked out of the class, again. He feels his body burns like fire and he might just catch a fever. Still, he stands there like nothing happens, an angelic smile etched in his brain along with the beautiful melody from what he assumes as the dream like before. When he collapsed later and found himself in the nurse’s office he blames it on the insomnia he suffered the past few days, though the nurse simply said he sleeps too much.
He did not buy any of it.
Day 46
The whole class let out a frustrated groan when the Arts teacher announced the theme of the next project, humans; as in your own partner. He is truly awake now, Arts is his favorite and perhaps his best subject; although some may say that he still look half-sleepy. He blames it on his droopy eyes but he is not one to care much about other’s opinion on him, so he drops the blame off. Besides, he likes his eyes the way it is. Throwing his glance out of the window, he starts scribbling randomly on the canvas. The odd number of students in the class leaves him with no partner to begin with, not like he cares anyway. Everybody starts moving around and discussing the project when he suddenly feels a presence behind him. He turns just in time to catch all eyes on him, especially the guys, much to his dismay. He do not speak much in class, the odd one out after all, and heck he do not even knows the name of his classmate save for the class president! Ignoring them altogether he turns to the person behind him, a girl, with a beautiful smile and silky long blonde hair.
“The teacher says that you will be my partner. May I sit here?”
Day 27
“Class, this is your new classmate, please be nice to her, ok?”
The boys are all nodding enthusiastically, hearts forming in their eyes, much to the annoyance of the girls. The new girl smiles warmly, eyeing her new classmates and notices a boy sleeping at the far end of the row seat, next to the window. She takes a seat at the back, an empty seat separating her and the sleeping boy. Her warm and kind nature won the hearts of the girls and she even find lots of new friends in her first day. By the end of the day, she gets to know the name of everybody in the class and befriend them but the sleeping boy who happens to collapse after standing for two hours outside of the class as detention for sleeping.
Day 46
He eyes her with a confused look in the face. He is absolutely sure that he does not have a partner but then again he might be wrong somehow, he never notices his surroundings after all. He remembered before that they got themselves a new student but he did not quite sure which one is it. Shrugging his messy thought off he just nods and the girl sits beside him, still smiling. He nods in acknowledgement; he does not interact much with people, let alone girls, and turns to focus on his canvas again, putting a new one to get ready for the project. He can feel intense stares from his classmates, mostly from the boys, for this girl is indeed pretty. Perhaps they are jealous of him for being able to have her as a partner, not like he really cares.
“So, who should start draw first?”
“I don’t mine.”
“Then, can I start?”
He simply nods and is about to stand when she stops him.
“Just stay like that, its fine already. I can draw best from a person’s side rather than in front.”
He sits again as she turns to face him, her canvas between them and starts drawing. He throws his glance out again and starts sketching. Deep inside he feels glad that he do not have to face her, for it will be awkward enough for him. Still, even in this position he feels bad already as he can feel her eyes on him. Focusing on the sketch he pretends like his alone, like she is not there at the first place.
Day 47
She enters the supposed-to-be-empty class to find her Arts partner sleeping on his seat. The head on the desk, both arms act as a pillow, the body touches the wall, as the face turns to his right, meaning he faces the class. The ray of sunlight shines in through the window and hits his body. She finds it a beautiful sight. Taking her seat like before, she pulls out her canvas, and starts to draw.
Day 53
“I finished my sketch so it should be your turn now.”
He nods. She turns and makes her way to the door before she turns once again.
“Are you sure you only need my picture? We can arrange some time, I’ll be glad to help. You’re my partner after all.”
He just shook his head and smiles a bit, meaning it’s more than enough already. She nods and starts moving again.
“Good luck!”
He nods as the door closes. He attaches the full-body picture of her on top-left of his canvas, closes his eyes, hums the unknown melody and starts sketching.
Day 35
He stands there, at the rooftop. There is no one around for it is actually class time. If he is a studious student he will be in class paying attention to Biology right now, but apparently he is not so he skipped the class instead. He always sucks at Biology anyway, and somehow he is just not in the mood. He closes his eyes, feeling the wind, and he hums the beautiful melody. Somehow, he knows it by heart already. Anybody would, he thinks, when there’s nothing you can hear but the melody whenever you closes your eyes. He calls it a dream, but it’s not like he sleeps every time. Well most of the time he did but this is different. He tries to understand further but he finds himself lost track of the melody and it irritates him somehow as his head starts to hurt. He is not a bright one in thinking after all so he decides to drop it off.
Day 50
He closes his eyes, relaxing himself. Soon enough he is overwhelm with the melody, lifting him up, crushing into the sky. He can barely feel the ground beneath him. The first few times it happened he think about it too much he developed a massive headache he thought he was going to die. But as time passes by he slowly adapt to the situation and somehow, he likes it. He no longer wants to analyze or try to fight it. He does not even care if it makes no sense at all. He just know one thing, it’s like zero gravity. And that is all he needs to know. Or so he thought. Until he sees the angelic smile, the presence of white he never understands, clearer than ever, for the first time.
He opens his eyes, back to reality. The rooftop door opens as he turns around. She smiles at him.
“It’s you.”
It’s his Arts partner.
Day 54
She catches him humming the tune while sketching and he almost dies of heart attack. He never knows who or what the white presence is, and he, being simple-minded and all decides not to bother. But the fact that her smile and the angelic smile is 120% the same did mess up with his poor brain. In the end, somehow, he ends up telling her about it. When he is done, he steals a glance at her face and has the sudden urge to jump from the 4th floor. But instead of being shocked and all she smiles and thank him for telling her that before runs to the rooftop door.
He did not buy any of it.
Day 66
He finishes the 5th sketch of her at the rooftop yet somehow he is not satisfied. There is something missing in it, he knows, but he is too tired to figure out what it is. His insomniac problem the past few days does not help much either. He is about to hum the tune and lost in the clouds when the door opens, and she walks up to him. She is full of smiles as she thanks him again and again for telling her what she assumes as the out-of-the-body experience. She hands him a poster and immediately it all dawns up to him. It seems that she had joined a club already and decided on it right after he finished told her the bewildering story.
“I’ll re-learn the move to fly.”
He nods knowingly as she smiles. When she gets up to leave, she gives him one of the best smiles she has and he finds out the missing piece instantly. He picks up his canvas and starts to draw.
Day 76
He looks at his sketch of her, a big marvelous A at the back of the canvas. His Art teacher must have liked the piece so much he offers to buy it from him, which he politely declines. She smiles, bright and all as the teacher displays it for all to see. But she smiles even brighter as he gives the sketch to her as a present. Inside his bag is a sketch of him sleeping, which might earn her a better A if she hand it to the teacher. Somehow, she did not do so.
Her first sketch of him being awkward and all earn a B++, and she is satisfied already, much to his amusement.
Day 59
The class ends earlier than usual today, as everybody excluding him is busy with the meetings for the upcoming school festival. The festival is less than 2 months from now but the excitement already fill up the air around him, not like he really cares. He gathers up his belongings and makes his way out when he bumps into his Arts teacher at the door.
“I was looking for you! Can you help me for a bit? Well, it’s the usual thing actually, if you don’t mind this time...”
He answers before the teacher can even finish his sentence, and smiles, agreeing.
Day 82
The hallway is full with posters for the upcoming festival and he do not fail to recognize one of them as the one she showed him before. Black and white contradicts yet beautifully blends with each other. He does not exaggerating when he thinks that the poster outshines the others in terms of Arts. Maybe the black background color leaves an impression to him. He always loves black in his painting as he thinks its mystery, cool, and beautiful.
“The poster is not just pretty, don’t you think?”
He nods. There is a certain aura perhaps on it that makes it stand out. He wonders who creates it but then again it must be one of teachers. It’s from the Arts department after all.
“Do you have some time? There is something I want to show you.”
He simply nods and follows her from behind. The festival has always been considered as the biggest event in the school after the graduation and the whole school is getting involved, whether in exhibitions, performances, anything to make it more interesting. While many would prefer to take part or even organizing and be in-charge, he feels contempt enough to observe the situation from the rooftop, and scribble something. If he is in the mood he might even sketch on his canvas, or just strolling around aimlessly.
They reach the third floor and there are less people around. Most of the rooms on this floor belonged to the old clubs that do not even existed or function now and left abandoned, for new clubs occupies the first or the second floor of this building. He is a member of the Arts club, though he never even goes to the club’s meeting once to save his life, he only joins because it is compulsory for each student to participate in co-curriculum activities. The advisor of the club, who is also, happens to be his class’ Arts teacher never really mined his behavior, as long as he helps him occasionally with the Arts gallery outside the club room. And he does not mind one bit. He loves drawing, sketching, painting, anything to do with Art. He can never grow tired or bored with it.
She stops in front of the door of the room which is at the far end of the hallway, opening it and motions him inside. Somehow, he feels like he just loses himself and when he realizes it he can feel his eyes grow wider at the sight and he turns to face her. Shock and surprised clearly written on his face.
Her smile is so bright it can beat the sun effortlessly.
Day 71
Somehow, he ends up falling asleep at the rooftop and for the first time in his life, he skips the Arts class, much to his own chagrin. When he wakes up he realizes that he had skips almost 3 classes already, with the Arts class at the beginning of his schedule. Grabbing his canvas and his bag he rushes to the teacher’s office; today is the due date for the Arts project. As he runs, his surroundings are nothing but a blur; grey and white filling the background, like his sketch. He can hear nothing but his own heart pounding hard, threatening to escape from his ribs. He can hardly feel his legs, as if it has gone numb already. Somehow, he feels like he is in a different world altogether, for he can feel like his body is flying, and even his poor brain knows that it is not possible, at least not to him.
He blinks once, twice, three times, and he is a goner.
Day 19
He is not one with sports; at least that is what he thinks. Like now, when everybody is baring the heat and shouting their lungs out to support their team in the competitions, he is up here, at the rooftops, looking down and rolling his pencil between the fingers, searching for something good to sketch. It is the final day of the Sports Week and all the final events are being held today, which explains the high atmosphere on the air at the moment. He enjoys this actually, the spirit of everything, for it may be a great idea and subject for his art. The scorching sun shines brightly and the breeze that blows softly adds up to the blissful feeling. He hums the nameless tune and closes his eyes, feeling his heart grows lighter. The sound of paper catches him off guard and before he knows it his sketches are already scattered high above him, gone with the wind. The sight is fascinating, even to him. He must have forgotten to put his bag on them so that they will not go off, like now. Realizing the situation, he immediately snaps his head and watches in horror as all his precious sketches fly away from him and falling to the ground. He cannot bear losing them, not his sketches. One step backwards, two, and he runs off, determines to get them back.
He runs and runs, like there is no tomorrow.
Day 82
He is ready to run now. He can feel his head thumping hard, dizzy. His breathing quickens in pace, makes himself choke of air. He does not want to see it; he does not want to remember. He has been successful in forgetting it all completely before, he would not let it all go in vain. He feels angry with himself; he should have seen this coming, and it is not like he does not know what the room they are entering used to be before, he knows it damn too well, for he had spent almost all his time in school avoiding it like a plague. He closes his eyes, turns back to the door where she is still standing and ready to make a dash for it when she shield the door with her body, the right arm spread out, leaving him no room for the door. No matter how indifferent a person he is, he does not think that he could just simply runs past her straight away. He is a boy after all, there must be a difference in their strength, he might hurt her somewhere along the way, and he does not want to do that. He does not think he can bear it, hurting a girl. And for the first time he hates himself for being so considerate when he feels like dying himself just by simply be there.
He takes a step forward, and when their eyes meet, he can see flashes of determination in the pair of hazel eyes, she just will never let him go easily for sure. Still, he wants to leave, and he takes his chances, by moving another step closer, yet, she is still there. This extreme twist of event is perhaps a bit too much to his brain he cannot seems to think straight but he do knows that this girl is indeed stronger than she looks, heck she does not even flinch one bit!
The air somehow becomes so thick and tense he does not know what to do. She knows, he thinks. She knows something, she might already know him somewhere before, it is weird for somebody to be friendly with him anyway, no matter how kind a person is. He has to admit that she is a kind girl, and all this thinking is driving him up the wall. He is tired now, the silence is killing him and his mind has gone blank. He wants to go, leave the room, the music room with the black grand piano. He cannot take this, not after all these years. He hangs his head low, walks to the door, not even sparing a glance or look at her. He only stops when the only thing separating him with the big wooden door is her right arm spread across. Her eyes are still on his, eyeing his very movement, never let go. He reaches over to the doorknob and she breaks the silence.
“I’m not going to let you leave, no, not anymore.”
He takes another step and turns the knob.
“You heart and mind may forget it all but your body remembers. When you saw the piano you went straight to it, you opened the piano lid. You stop just before you hit the key.”
Slowly, he grabs her arm with his right hand, pushing it aside, clearing the way and opens the door. There is a strong sense of déja vu the moment he steps outside.
“Don’t you get it? The tune you’ve been humming to? I know that you know what I know.”
All that he knows is she is looking at him now, he can feel her stare on his back.
“Your color is grey.”
He walks on, does not elaborate further. She might not get what he means by it, but maybe she does, he does not know. From the end of the empty hallway, her voice reaches him before he disappears from her sight.
“I’m not letting you runaway...”
It echoes between them.
Remember, comments are loved! ^^
Music of the day: Jay Sean- Ride It
P/S: I don't know much about him though remember loved his song Stolen some years ago...I came across this mv on Hitz.Tv just before I wrote this post and even though I watched about only the halfway end of it the song just caught me off-guard! You can say I don't really care much about the story behind the mv but focusing on the song instead! Love the chorus and the melody easily make its way towards my head...
Just imagine it, the moment I sit down in front of my laptop the first thing I do is search for the song on Google and download it and now listening to it on repeat mode...haha~ Too bad the song is short (less than 3 minutes! Going to search if there's a longer version)...and apparently this song is his cover from the original singer JJ 650 (have no idea who the hell is this).
I'm going to put it on my playlist after this (the page loads damn slow) so hope that it'll be there when you read this! If don't, just stay around for I'll be damn sure going to put it on my playlist! Also, just so you know, I watched it on the section (?) Soulfood on Hitz...who knows you might come across it too! ^^
~The-hopeful Heiji
EDIT: The-
He keeps on telling himself, it's fine, everything's fine, but he knows it's useless lying, the look on the person in front tells him all that he needs to know. Still, he wants to at least assures himself that, so he says it.
"I'm fine."
The eyes shines with pity and he has the sudden urge to walk away. He can almost hear the next words in his head even before he hears it.
"If that's the truth, then why?"
He does not want to hear it.
"Why are you crying?"
Wednesday, December 2, 2009
A Butterfly, A Louvre, and (Not) A Freer -Part 1-
Hi! Hisashiburi desu ne~ It's been awhile, isn't it? LOL. Internet at home seems to hate me more than at KAL...I've been downloading one file for more than 3 times to finally able to complete downloading it! And I thought I can download like crazy at home...guess not then...*sigh*

To make my life more miserable, it's been raining non-stop for 2 days now and our beloved home is in high-risk of being flooded! Talk about disaster...before I start rambling though, this is late but Happy AidilAdha to all the Muslims reading this! It's damn late, I know, but then, why not? Nothing much happened last Raya and so as my journey back home so I don't/won't post anything about it...though I did learn something the hard way...
Anyway! Back to the main topic of this post, I'm (finally) posting the one-shot I mentioned here! Yay! Another thing from my list~ As you can see for yourself at the title above, this is the first part of the story...making this not really a one-shot but a three-shot instead...yeah...on my way writing the third part now...I'm hopeless, didn't I? Interestingly enough, I finished Part 2 first then Part 1 (though I made a HUGE editing on it later on)! Really...pardon this weird writer..heh~ About the'll make sense after you reach the last each thing associates with different parts of the 1 is the butterfly, part 2 is the louvre and so on..if you can guess what does it mean it'll be great! ^^ Mind you, I'm not telling...haha~
Darn it, I ramble to much! Here goes the story then! Also dedicated to a friend of mine that practically wants to kill me for not finishing this quick before she went back to know who you are...^^
Part 1
Day 1
It was a dream.
He does not quite sure at first, but when his History teacher kicks him out of the class it becomes clear enough for him to understand. Still, even after standing outside for almost one hour period he can still hear whispers of the soft melody in his ears. He blames it on the loud speaker his roommate ‘accidentally’ put beside his ears this morning; in an attempt to wake him up, or so he said.
He did not buy any of it.
Day 27
The air buzzes with excitement; a new student is coming, or so they said. He does not bother, just shrug it off and immediately falls asleep the moment his head touches the desk. He wakes up with a jolt when his Math teacher screams her lungs out and he is kicked out of the class, again. He feels his body burns like fire and he might just catch a fever. Still, he stands there like nothing happens, an angelic smile etched in his brain along with the beautiful melody from what he assumes as the dream like before. When he collapsed later and found himself in the nurse’s office he blames it on the insomnia he suffered the past few days, though the nurse simply said he sleeps too much.
He did not buy any of it.
Day 46
The whole class let out a frustrated groan when the Arts teacher announced the theme of the next project, humans; as in your own partner. He is truly awake now, Arts is his favorite and perhaps his best subject; although some may say that he still look half-sleepy. He blames it on his droopy eyes but he is not one to care much about other’s opinion on him, so he drops the blame off. Besides, he likes his eyes the way it is. Throwing his glance out of the window, he starts scribbling randomly on the canvas. The odd number of students in the class leaves him with no partner to begin with, not like he cares anyway. Everybody starts moving around and discussing the project when he suddenly feels a presence behind him. He turns just in time to catch all eyes on him, especially the guys, much to his dismay. He do not speak much in class, the odd one out after all, and heck he do not even knows the name of his classmate save for the class president! Ignoring them altogether he turns to the person behind him, a girl, with a beautiful smile and silky long blonde hair.
“The teacher says that you will be my partner. May I sit here?”
Day 27
“Class, this is your new classmate, please be nice to her, ok?”
The boys are all nodding enthusiastically, hearts forming in their eyes, much to the annoyance of the girls. The new girl smiles warmly, eyeing her new classmates and notices a boy sleeping at the far end of the row seat, next to the window. She takes a seat at the back, an empty seat separating her and the sleeping boy. Her warm and kind nature won the hearts of the girls and she even find lots of new friends in her first day. By the end of the day, she gets to know the name of everybody in the class and befriend them but the sleeping boy who happens to collapse after standing for two hours outside of the class as detention for sleeping.
Day 46
He eyes her with a confused look in the face. He is absolutely sure that he does not have a partner but then again he might be wrong somehow, he never notices his surroundings after all. He remembered before that they got themselves a new student but he did not quite sure which one is it. Shrugging his messy thought off he just nods and the girl sits beside him, still smiling. He nods in acknowledgement; he does not interact much with people, let alone girls, and turns to focus on his canvas again, putting a new one to get ready for the project. He can feel intense stares from his classmates, mostly from the boys, for this girl is indeed pretty. Perhaps they are jealous of him for being able to have her as a partner, not like he really cares.
“So, who should start draw first?”
“I don’t mine.”
“Then, can I start?”
He simply nods and is about to stand when she stops him.
“Just stay like that, its fine already. I can draw best from a person’s side rather than in front.”
He sits again as she turns to face him, her canvas between them and starts drawing. He throws his glance out again and starts sketching. Deep inside he feels glad that he do not have to face her, for it will be awkward enough for him. Still, even in this position he feels bad already as he can feel her eyes on him. Focusing on the sketch he pretends like his alone, like she is not there at the first place.
Day 47
She enters the supposed-to-be-empty class to find her Arts partner sleeping on his seat. The head on the desk, both arms act as a pillow, the body touches the wall, as the face turns to his right, meaning he faces the class. The ray of sunlight shines in through the window and hits his body. She finds it a beautiful sight. Taking her seat like before, she pulls out her canvas, and starts to draw.
Day 53
“I finished my sketch so it should be your turn now.”
He nods. She turns and makes her way to the door before she turns once again.
“Are you sure you only need my picture? We can arrange some time, I’ll be glad to help. You’re my partner after all.”
He just shook his head and smiles a bit, meaning it’s more than enough already. She nods and starts moving again.
“Good luck!”
He nods as the door closes. He attaches the full-body picture of her on top-left of his canvas, closes his eyes, hums the unknown melody and starts sketching.
Day 35
He stands there, at the rooftop. There is no one around for it is actually class time. If he is a studious student he will be in class paying attention to Biology right now, but apparently he is not so he skipped the class instead. He always sucks at Biology anyway, and somehow he is just not in the mood. He closes his eyes, feeling the wind, and he hums the beautiful melody. Somehow, he knows it by heart already. Anybody would, he thinks, when there’s nothing you can hear but the melody whenever you closes your eyes. He calls it a dream, but it’s not like he sleeps every time. Well most of the time he did but this is different. He tries to understand further but he finds himself lost track of the melody and it irritates him somehow as his head starts to hurt. He is not a bright one in thinking after all so he decides to drop it off.
Day 50
He closes his eyes, relaxing himself. Soon enough he is overwhelm with the melody, lifting him up, crushing into the sky. He can barely feel the ground beneath him. The first few times it happened he think about it too much he developed a massive headache he thought he was going to die. But as time passes by he slowly adapt to the situation and somehow, he likes it. He no longer wants to analyze or try to fight it. He does not even care if it makes no sense at all. He just know one thing, it’s like zero gravity. And that is all he needs to know. Or so he thought. Until he sees the angelic smile, the presence of white he never understands, clearer than ever, for the first time.
He opens his eyes, back to reality. The rooftop door opens as he turns around. She smiles at him.
“It’s you.”
It’s his Arts partner.
Day 54
She catches him humming the tune while sketching and he almost dies of heart attack. He never knows who or what the white presence is, and he, being simple-minded and all decides not to bother. But the fact that her smile and the angelic smile is 120% the same did mess up with his poor brain. In the end, somehow, he ends up telling her about it. When he is done, he steals a glance at her face and has the sudden urge to jump from the 4th floor. But instead of being shocked and all she smiles and thank him for telling her that before runs to the rooftop door.
He did not buy any of it.
Day 66
He finishes the 5th sketch of her at the rooftop yet somehow he is not satisfied. There is something missing in it, he knows, but he is too tired to figure out what it is. His insomniac problem the past few days does not help much either. He is about to hum the tune and lost in the clouds when the door opens, and she walks up to him. She is full of smiles as she thanks him again and again for telling her what she assumes as the out-of-the-body experience. She hands him a poster and immediately it all dawns up to him. It seems that she had joined a club already and decided on it right after he finished told her the bewildering story.
“I’ll re-learn the move to fly.”
He nods knowingly as she smiles. When she gets up to leave, she gives him one of the best smiles she has and he finds out the missing piece instantly. He picks up his canvas and starts to draw.
Day 76
He looks at his sketch of her, a big marvelous A at the back of the canvas. His Art teacher must have liked the piece so much he offers to buy it from him, which he politely declines. She smiles, bright and all as the teacher displays it for all to see. But she smiles even brighter as he gives the sketch to her as a present. Inside his bag is a sketch of him sleeping, which might earn her a better A if she hand it to the teacher. Somehow, she did not do so.
Her first sketch of him being awkward and all earn a B++, and she is satisfied already, much to his amusement.
Day 59
The class ends earlier than usual today, as everybody excluding him is busy with the meetings for the upcoming school festival. The festival is less than 2 months from now but the excitement already fill up the air around him, not like he really cares. He gathers up his belongings and makes his way out when he bumps into his Arts teacher at the door.
“I was looking for you! Can you help me for a bit? Well, it’s the usual thing actually, if you don’t mind this time...”
He answers before the teacher can even finish his sentence, and smiles, agreeing.
Day 82
The hallway is full with posters for the upcoming festival and he do not fail to recognize one of them as the one she showed him before. Black and white contradicts yet beautifully blends with each other. He does not exaggerating when he thinks that the poster outshines the others in terms of Arts. Maybe the black background color leaves an impression to him. He always loves black in his painting as he thinks its mystery, cool, and beautiful.
“The poster is not just pretty, don’t you think?”
He nods. There is a certain aura perhaps on it that makes it stand out. He wonders who creates it but then again it must be one of teachers. It’s from the Arts department after all.
“Do you have some time? There is something I want to show you.”
He simply nods and follows her from behind. The festival has always been considered as the biggest event in the school after the graduation and the whole school is getting involved, whether in exhibitions, performances, anything to make it more interesting. While many would prefer to take part or even organizing and be in-charge, he feels contempt enough to observe the situation from the rooftop, and scribble something. If he is in the mood he might even sketch on his canvas, or just strolling around aimlessly.
They reach the third floor and there are less people around. Most of the rooms on this floor belonged to the old clubs that do not even existed or function now and left abandoned, for new clubs occupies the first or the second floor of this building. He is a member of the Arts club, though he never even goes to the club’s meeting once to save his life, he only joins because it is compulsory for each student to participate in co-curriculum activities. The advisor of the club, who is also, happens to be his class’ Arts teacher never really mined his behavior, as long as he helps him occasionally with the Arts gallery outside the club room. And he does not mind one bit. He loves drawing, sketching, painting, anything to do with Art. He can never grow tired or bored with it.
She stops in front of the door of the room which is at the far end of the hallway, opening it and motions him inside. Somehow, he feels like he just loses himself and when he realizes it he can feel his eyes grow wider at the sight and he turns to face her. Shock and surprised clearly written on his face.
Her smile is so bright it can beat the sun effortlessly.
Day 71
Somehow, he ends up falling asleep at the rooftop and for the first time in his life, he skips the Arts class, much to his own chagrin. When he wakes up he realizes that he had skips almost 3 classes already, with the Arts class at the beginning of his schedule. Grabbing his canvas and his bag he rushes to the teacher’s office; today is the due date for the Arts project. As he runs, his surroundings are nothing but a blur; grey and white filling the background, like his sketch. He can hear nothing but his own heart pounding hard, threatening to escape from his ribs. He can hardly feel his legs, as if it has gone numb already. Somehow, he feels like he is in a different world altogether, for he can feel like his body is flying, and even his poor brain knows that it is not possible, at least not to him.
He blinks once, twice, three times, and he is a goner.
Day 19
He is not one with sports; at least that is what he thinks. Like now, when everybody is baring the heat and shouting their lungs out to support their team in the competitions, he is up here, at the rooftops, looking down and rolling his pencil between the fingers, searching for something good to sketch. It is the final day of the Sports Week and all the final events are being held today, which explains the high atmosphere on the air at the moment. He enjoys this actually, the spirit of everything, for it may be a great idea and subject for his art. The scorching sun shines brightly and the breeze that blows softly adds up to the blissful feeling. He hums the nameless tune and closes his eyes, feeling his heart grows lighter. The sound of paper catches him off guard and before he knows it his sketches are already scattered high above him, gone with the wind. The sight is fascinating, even to him. He must have forgotten to put his bag on them so that they will not go off, like now. Realizing the situation, he immediately snaps his head and watches in horror as all his precious sketches fly away from him and falling to the ground. He cannot bear losing them, not his sketches. One step backwards, two, and he runs off, determines to get them back.
He runs and runs, like there is no tomorrow.
Day 82
He is ready to run now. He can feel his head thumping hard, dizzy. His breathing quickens in pace, makes himself choke of air. He does not want to see it; he does not want to remember. He has been successful in forgetting it all completely before, he would not let it all go in vain. He feels angry with himself; he should have seen this coming, and it is not like he does not know what the room they are entering used to be before, he knows it damn too well, for he had spent almost all his time in school avoiding it like a plague. He closes his eyes, turns back to the door where she is still standing and ready to make a dash for it when she shield the door with her body, the right arm spread out, leaving him no room for the door. No matter how indifferent a person he is, he does not think that he could just simply runs past her straight away. He is a boy after all, there must be a difference in their strength, he might hurt her somewhere along the way, and he does not want to do that. He does not think he can bear it, hurting a girl. And for the first time he hates himself for being so considerate when he feels like dying himself just by simply be there.
He takes a step forward, and when their eyes meet, he can see flashes of determination in the pair of hazel eyes, she just will never let him go easily for sure. Still, he wants to leave, and he takes his chances, by moving another step closer, yet, she is still there. This extreme twist of event is perhaps a bit too much to his brain he cannot seems to think straight but he do knows that this girl is indeed stronger than she looks, heck she does not even flinch one bit!
The air somehow becomes so thick and tense he does not know what to do. She knows, he thinks. She knows something, she might already know him somewhere before, it is weird for somebody to be friendly with him anyway, no matter how kind a person is. He has to admit that she is a kind girl, and all this thinking is driving him up the wall. He is tired now, the silence is killing him and his mind has gone blank. He wants to go, leave the room, the music room with the black grand piano. He cannot take this, not after all these years. He hangs his head low, walks to the door, not even sparing a glance or look at her. He only stops when the only thing separating him with the big wooden door is her right arm spread across. Her eyes are still on his, eyeing his very movement, never let go. He reaches over to the doorknob and she breaks the silence.
“I’m not going to let you leave, no, not anymore.”
He takes another step and turns the knob.
“You heart and mind may forget it all but your body remembers. When you saw the piano you went straight to it, you opened the piano lid. You stop just before you hit the key.”
Slowly, he grabs her arm with his right hand, pushing it aside, clearing the way and opens the door. There is a strong sense of déja vu the moment he steps outside.
“Don’t you get it? The tune you’ve been humming to? I know that you know what I know.”
All that he knows is she is looking at him now, he can feel her stare on his back.
“Your color is grey.”
He walks on, does not elaborate further. She might not get what he means by it, but maybe she does, he does not know. From the end of the empty hallway, her voice reaches him before he disappears from her sight.
“I’m not letting you runaway...”
It echoes between them.
A/N: How is it then? Kudos to those who spot the reference to David Archuleta's song in there...Comments are love~
EDIT: This is one of the rare times I hate my blog...(seriously considering on starting the first post on Livejournal) I already have different settings for this story, one part being at the middle, at the very right of the page, and so on but when I post it, it all becomes just plain paragraphs...I don't know whether it is just me not knowing much on blogging (mind you, I'm new here) or it's just the way it is...people, help me before I end up killing somebody out of frustration...(the nearest might-be victim is my pillow) do help me~
Music of the day: Gundam Seed- River
P/S: This is one of the OSTs for the anime Mobile Suit Gundam Seed...I have to say I never watch the anime and don't really have the intention to do so...not really a fan of Gundam after all...but have to say they got pretty good songs for the soundtrack...and this is the one I like most! I have no idea who the singer is (his voice is charming for me) but the remix version of this song (will put it in my playlist later if I found it) have the name as Tatsuya that might be the singer...going to search for him in Wikipedia after this...the opening guitar part is really good and I'm seriously thinking of looking for the instrumental version of the try listen to it people! As always, it's in my playlist...^^
Noticed that my post usually comes out during late at night..same goes to my writing...maybe internet results in the insomniac me? *gasp*
-Still-not-too-sleepy-at-3AM Heiji
EDIT: -And-damn-frustrated-like-what Heiji
He peeks from the small opening of the door, fears he might get caught. Curiosity kills the cat, they say, but he is not sure whether it can kill people too.
Slowly, he opens the door wider and steps outside. He can hears a squeak from behind him, he knows he has been discovered already. Still, this is one of the rare chance he gets, and he knows, it is now or never.
He runs off towards the open arms of the world, and never looks back.
Even for once.

To make my life more miserable, it's been raining non-stop for 2 days now and our beloved home is in high-risk of being flooded! Talk about disaster...before I start rambling though, this is late but Happy AidilAdha to all the Muslims reading this! It's damn late, I know, but then, why not? Nothing much happened last Raya and so as my journey back home so I don't/won't post anything about it...though I did learn something the hard way...
Anyway! Back to the main topic of this post, I'm (finally) posting the one-shot I mentioned here! Yay! Another thing from my list~ As you can see for yourself at the title above, this is the first part of the story...making this not really a one-shot but a three-shot instead...yeah...on my way writing the third part now...I'm hopeless, didn't I? Interestingly enough, I finished Part 2 first then Part 1 (though I made a HUGE editing on it later on)! Really...pardon this weird writer..heh~ About the'll make sense after you reach the last each thing associates with different parts of the 1 is the butterfly, part 2 is the louvre and so on..if you can guess what does it mean it'll be great! ^^ Mind you, I'm not telling...haha~
Darn it, I ramble to much! Here goes the story then! Also dedicated to a friend of mine that practically wants to kill me for not finishing this quick before she went back to know who you are...^^
Part 1
Bolero- The whisper of yesterday’s fantasy
In a form of a grey butterfly
In a form of a grey butterfly
On the floating darkness of the moon’s stage
I saw you dancing in my dreams
I saw you dancing in my dreams
Day 1
It was a dream.
He does not quite sure at first, but when his History teacher kicks him out of the class it becomes clear enough for him to understand. Still, even after standing outside for almost one hour period he can still hear whispers of the soft melody in his ears. He blames it on the loud speaker his roommate ‘accidentally’ put beside his ears this morning; in an attempt to wake him up, or so he said.
He did not buy any of it.
Day 27
The air buzzes with excitement; a new student is coming, or so they said. He does not bother, just shrug it off and immediately falls asleep the moment his head touches the desk. He wakes up with a jolt when his Math teacher screams her lungs out and he is kicked out of the class, again. He feels his body burns like fire and he might just catch a fever. Still, he stands there like nothing happens, an angelic smile etched in his brain along with the beautiful melody from what he assumes as the dream like before. When he collapsed later and found himself in the nurse’s office he blames it on the insomnia he suffered the past few days, though the nurse simply said he sleeps too much.
He did not buy any of it.
Day 46
The whole class let out a frustrated groan when the Arts teacher announced the theme of the next project, humans; as in your own partner. He is truly awake now, Arts is his favorite and perhaps his best subject; although some may say that he still look half-sleepy. He blames it on his droopy eyes but he is not one to care much about other’s opinion on him, so he drops the blame off. Besides, he likes his eyes the way it is. Throwing his glance out of the window, he starts scribbling randomly on the canvas. The odd number of students in the class leaves him with no partner to begin with, not like he cares anyway. Everybody starts moving around and discussing the project when he suddenly feels a presence behind him. He turns just in time to catch all eyes on him, especially the guys, much to his dismay. He do not speak much in class, the odd one out after all, and heck he do not even knows the name of his classmate save for the class president! Ignoring them altogether he turns to the person behind him, a girl, with a beautiful smile and silky long blonde hair.
“The teacher says that you will be my partner. May I sit here?”
Day 27
“Class, this is your new classmate, please be nice to her, ok?”
The boys are all nodding enthusiastically, hearts forming in their eyes, much to the annoyance of the girls. The new girl smiles warmly, eyeing her new classmates and notices a boy sleeping at the far end of the row seat, next to the window. She takes a seat at the back, an empty seat separating her and the sleeping boy. Her warm and kind nature won the hearts of the girls and she even find lots of new friends in her first day. By the end of the day, she gets to know the name of everybody in the class and befriend them but the sleeping boy who happens to collapse after standing for two hours outside of the class as detention for sleeping.
Day 46
He eyes her with a confused look in the face. He is absolutely sure that he does not have a partner but then again he might be wrong somehow, he never notices his surroundings after all. He remembered before that they got themselves a new student but he did not quite sure which one is it. Shrugging his messy thought off he just nods and the girl sits beside him, still smiling. He nods in acknowledgement; he does not interact much with people, let alone girls, and turns to focus on his canvas again, putting a new one to get ready for the project. He can feel intense stares from his classmates, mostly from the boys, for this girl is indeed pretty. Perhaps they are jealous of him for being able to have her as a partner, not like he really cares.
“So, who should start draw first?”
“I don’t mine.”
“Then, can I start?”
He simply nods and is about to stand when she stops him.
“Just stay like that, its fine already. I can draw best from a person’s side rather than in front.”
He sits again as she turns to face him, her canvas between them and starts drawing. He throws his glance out again and starts sketching. Deep inside he feels glad that he do not have to face her, for it will be awkward enough for him. Still, even in this position he feels bad already as he can feel her eyes on him. Focusing on the sketch he pretends like his alone, like she is not there at the first place.
Day 47
She enters the supposed-to-be-empty class to find her Arts partner sleeping on his seat. The head on the desk, both arms act as a pillow, the body touches the wall, as the face turns to his right, meaning he faces the class. The ray of sunlight shines in through the window and hits his body. She finds it a beautiful sight. Taking her seat like before, she pulls out her canvas, and starts to draw.
Day 53
“I finished my sketch so it should be your turn now.”
He nods. She turns and makes her way to the door before she turns once again.
“Are you sure you only need my picture? We can arrange some time, I’ll be glad to help. You’re my partner after all.”
He just shook his head and smiles a bit, meaning it’s more than enough already. She nods and starts moving again.
“Good luck!”
He nods as the door closes. He attaches the full-body picture of her on top-left of his canvas, closes his eyes, hums the unknown melody and starts sketching.
Day 35
He stands there, at the rooftop. There is no one around for it is actually class time. If he is a studious student he will be in class paying attention to Biology right now, but apparently he is not so he skipped the class instead. He always sucks at Biology anyway, and somehow he is just not in the mood. He closes his eyes, feeling the wind, and he hums the beautiful melody. Somehow, he knows it by heart already. Anybody would, he thinks, when there’s nothing you can hear but the melody whenever you closes your eyes. He calls it a dream, but it’s not like he sleeps every time. Well most of the time he did but this is different. He tries to understand further but he finds himself lost track of the melody and it irritates him somehow as his head starts to hurt. He is not a bright one in thinking after all so he decides to drop it off.
Day 50
He closes his eyes, relaxing himself. Soon enough he is overwhelm with the melody, lifting him up, crushing into the sky. He can barely feel the ground beneath him. The first few times it happened he think about it too much he developed a massive headache he thought he was going to die. But as time passes by he slowly adapt to the situation and somehow, he likes it. He no longer wants to analyze or try to fight it. He does not even care if it makes no sense at all. He just know one thing, it’s like zero gravity. And that is all he needs to know. Or so he thought. Until he sees the angelic smile, the presence of white he never understands, clearer than ever, for the first time.
He opens his eyes, back to reality. The rooftop door opens as he turns around. She smiles at him.
“It’s you.”
It’s his Arts partner.
Day 54
She catches him humming the tune while sketching and he almost dies of heart attack. He never knows who or what the white presence is, and he, being simple-minded and all decides not to bother. But the fact that her smile and the angelic smile is 120% the same did mess up with his poor brain. In the end, somehow, he ends up telling her about it. When he is done, he steals a glance at her face and has the sudden urge to jump from the 4th floor. But instead of being shocked and all she smiles and thank him for telling her that before runs to the rooftop door.
He did not buy any of it.
Day 66
He finishes the 5th sketch of her at the rooftop yet somehow he is not satisfied. There is something missing in it, he knows, but he is too tired to figure out what it is. His insomniac problem the past few days does not help much either. He is about to hum the tune and lost in the clouds when the door opens, and she walks up to him. She is full of smiles as she thanks him again and again for telling her what she assumes as the out-of-the-body experience. She hands him a poster and immediately it all dawns up to him. It seems that she had joined a club already and decided on it right after he finished told her the bewildering story.
“I’ll re-learn the move to fly.”
He nods knowingly as she smiles. When she gets up to leave, she gives him one of the best smiles she has and he finds out the missing piece instantly. He picks up his canvas and starts to draw.
Day 76
He looks at his sketch of her, a big marvelous A at the back of the canvas. His Art teacher must have liked the piece so much he offers to buy it from him, which he politely declines. She smiles, bright and all as the teacher displays it for all to see. But she smiles even brighter as he gives the sketch to her as a present. Inside his bag is a sketch of him sleeping, which might earn her a better A if she hand it to the teacher. Somehow, she did not do so.
Her first sketch of him being awkward and all earn a B++, and she is satisfied already, much to his amusement.
Day 59
The class ends earlier than usual today, as everybody excluding him is busy with the meetings for the upcoming school festival. The festival is less than 2 months from now but the excitement already fill up the air around him, not like he really cares. He gathers up his belongings and makes his way out when he bumps into his Arts teacher at the door.
“I was looking for you! Can you help me for a bit? Well, it’s the usual thing actually, if you don’t mind this time...”
He answers before the teacher can even finish his sentence, and smiles, agreeing.
Day 82
The hallway is full with posters for the upcoming festival and he do not fail to recognize one of them as the one she showed him before. Black and white contradicts yet beautifully blends with each other. He does not exaggerating when he thinks that the poster outshines the others in terms of Arts. Maybe the black background color leaves an impression to him. He always loves black in his painting as he thinks its mystery, cool, and beautiful.
“The poster is not just pretty, don’t you think?”
He nods. There is a certain aura perhaps on it that makes it stand out. He wonders who creates it but then again it must be one of teachers. It’s from the Arts department after all.
“Do you have some time? There is something I want to show you.”
He simply nods and follows her from behind. The festival has always been considered as the biggest event in the school after the graduation and the whole school is getting involved, whether in exhibitions, performances, anything to make it more interesting. While many would prefer to take part or even organizing and be in-charge, he feels contempt enough to observe the situation from the rooftop, and scribble something. If he is in the mood he might even sketch on his canvas, or just strolling around aimlessly.
They reach the third floor and there are less people around. Most of the rooms on this floor belonged to the old clubs that do not even existed or function now and left abandoned, for new clubs occupies the first or the second floor of this building. He is a member of the Arts club, though he never even goes to the club’s meeting once to save his life, he only joins because it is compulsory for each student to participate in co-curriculum activities. The advisor of the club, who is also, happens to be his class’ Arts teacher never really mined his behavior, as long as he helps him occasionally with the Arts gallery outside the club room. And he does not mind one bit. He loves drawing, sketching, painting, anything to do with Art. He can never grow tired or bored with it.
She stops in front of the door of the room which is at the far end of the hallway, opening it and motions him inside. Somehow, he feels like he just loses himself and when he realizes it he can feel his eyes grow wider at the sight and he turns to face her. Shock and surprised clearly written on his face.
Her smile is so bright it can beat the sun effortlessly.
Day 71
Somehow, he ends up falling asleep at the rooftop and for the first time in his life, he skips the Arts class, much to his own chagrin. When he wakes up he realizes that he had skips almost 3 classes already, with the Arts class at the beginning of his schedule. Grabbing his canvas and his bag he rushes to the teacher’s office; today is the due date for the Arts project. As he runs, his surroundings are nothing but a blur; grey and white filling the background, like his sketch. He can hear nothing but his own heart pounding hard, threatening to escape from his ribs. He can hardly feel his legs, as if it has gone numb already. Somehow, he feels like he is in a different world altogether, for he can feel like his body is flying, and even his poor brain knows that it is not possible, at least not to him.
He blinks once, twice, three times, and he is a goner.
Day 19
He is not one with sports; at least that is what he thinks. Like now, when everybody is baring the heat and shouting their lungs out to support their team in the competitions, he is up here, at the rooftops, looking down and rolling his pencil between the fingers, searching for something good to sketch. It is the final day of the Sports Week and all the final events are being held today, which explains the high atmosphere on the air at the moment. He enjoys this actually, the spirit of everything, for it may be a great idea and subject for his art. The scorching sun shines brightly and the breeze that blows softly adds up to the blissful feeling. He hums the nameless tune and closes his eyes, feeling his heart grows lighter. The sound of paper catches him off guard and before he knows it his sketches are already scattered high above him, gone with the wind. The sight is fascinating, even to him. He must have forgotten to put his bag on them so that they will not go off, like now. Realizing the situation, he immediately snaps his head and watches in horror as all his precious sketches fly away from him and falling to the ground. He cannot bear losing them, not his sketches. One step backwards, two, and he runs off, determines to get them back.
He runs and runs, like there is no tomorrow.
Day 82
He is ready to run now. He can feel his head thumping hard, dizzy. His breathing quickens in pace, makes himself choke of air. He does not want to see it; he does not want to remember. He has been successful in forgetting it all completely before, he would not let it all go in vain. He feels angry with himself; he should have seen this coming, and it is not like he does not know what the room they are entering used to be before, he knows it damn too well, for he had spent almost all his time in school avoiding it like a plague. He closes his eyes, turns back to the door where she is still standing and ready to make a dash for it when she shield the door with her body, the right arm spread out, leaving him no room for the door. No matter how indifferent a person he is, he does not think that he could just simply runs past her straight away. He is a boy after all, there must be a difference in their strength, he might hurt her somewhere along the way, and he does not want to do that. He does not think he can bear it, hurting a girl. And for the first time he hates himself for being so considerate when he feels like dying himself just by simply be there.
He takes a step forward, and when their eyes meet, he can see flashes of determination in the pair of hazel eyes, she just will never let him go easily for sure. Still, he wants to leave, and he takes his chances, by moving another step closer, yet, she is still there. This extreme twist of event is perhaps a bit too much to his brain he cannot seems to think straight but he do knows that this girl is indeed stronger than she looks, heck she does not even flinch one bit!
The air somehow becomes so thick and tense he does not know what to do. She knows, he thinks. She knows something, she might already know him somewhere before, it is weird for somebody to be friendly with him anyway, no matter how kind a person is. He has to admit that she is a kind girl, and all this thinking is driving him up the wall. He is tired now, the silence is killing him and his mind has gone blank. He wants to go, leave the room, the music room with the black grand piano. He cannot take this, not after all these years. He hangs his head low, walks to the door, not even sparing a glance or look at her. He only stops when the only thing separating him with the big wooden door is her right arm spread across. Her eyes are still on his, eyeing his very movement, never let go. He reaches over to the doorknob and she breaks the silence.
“I’m not going to let you leave, no, not anymore.”
He takes another step and turns the knob.
“You heart and mind may forget it all but your body remembers. When you saw the piano you went straight to it, you opened the piano lid. You stop just before you hit the key.”
Slowly, he grabs her arm with his right hand, pushing it aside, clearing the way and opens the door. There is a strong sense of déja vu the moment he steps outside.
“Don’t you get it? The tune you’ve been humming to? I know that you know what I know.”
All that he knows is she is looking at him now, he can feel her stare on his back.
“Your color is grey.”
He walks on, does not elaborate further. She might not get what he means by it, but maybe she does, he does not know. From the end of the empty hallway, her voice reaches him before he disappears from her sight.
“I’m not letting you runaway...”
It echoes between them.
A/N: How is it then? Kudos to those who spot the reference to David Archuleta's song in there...Comments are love~
EDIT: This is one of the rare times I hate my blog...(seriously considering on starting the first post on Livejournal) I already have different settings for this story, one part being at the middle, at the very right of the page, and so on but when I post it, it all becomes just plain paragraphs...I don't know whether it is just me not knowing much on blogging (mind you, I'm new here) or it's just the way it is...people, help me before I end up killing somebody out of frustration...(the nearest might-be victim is my pillow) do help me~
Music of the day: Gundam Seed- River
P/S: This is one of the OSTs for the anime Mobile Suit Gundam Seed...I have to say I never watch the anime and don't really have the intention to do so...not really a fan of Gundam after all...but have to say they got pretty good songs for the soundtrack...and this is the one I like most! I have no idea who the singer is (his voice is charming for me) but the remix version of this song (will put it in my playlist later if I found it) have the name as Tatsuya that might be the singer...going to search for him in Wikipedia after this...the opening guitar part is really good and I'm seriously thinking of looking for the instrumental version of the try listen to it people! As always, it's in my playlist...^^
Noticed that my post usually comes out during late at night..same goes to my writing...maybe internet results in the insomniac me? *gasp*
-Still-not-too-sleepy-at-3AM Heiji
EDIT: -And-damn-frustrated-like-what Heiji
He peeks from the small opening of the door, fears he might get caught. Curiosity kills the cat, they say, but he is not sure whether it can kill people too.
Slowly, he opens the door wider and steps outside. He can hears a squeak from behind him, he knows he has been discovered already. Still, this is one of the rare chance he gets, and he knows, it is now or never.
He runs off towards the open arms of the world, and never looks back.
Even for once.
Friday, November 20, 2009
Crows Zero and Crows Zero II.
Hi! I'm quite fond on blogging lately...didn't I? Hoho~
It's the start of the end-of-the-term holiday...and most of the students are already going back to their hometown while I'm still stuck here in KAL...not like I really hate it...but I almost hate it when the internet connection broke down at the menara...I mean, come on, there are less people here now and I just thought that I can online and download as much as I could but then again the connection just simply gone...I'm lucky the connection is ok here under the hostel block...if not I'm damn sure I'll be working hard not to strangle/hit/cast some voodoo spell to some random passerby out of frustration...heh!

That makes me realize...I really cannot live without internet, huh? *sigh*

This evening, out of bored and tired after sorting up my locker, cleaning the clothes, tidying up the room, etc...I randomly pick up movies in my oh-so-many collection to watch...and found a Japanese live-action movies titled Crows Zero and it's sequel Crows Zero II...these film is based on a best-selling manga I never came across let alone read (but will do so after this) called Crows by Hiroshi Takahashi...mind you, I never heard of the mangaka either...but put that aside, both the movies is really good! Also, it doesn't hurt that Oguri Shun plays the main lead...^^

Let's start with the first film, Crows Zero.
Crows ZERO (クローズZERO, Kurōzu Zero?) is a film based on the comic book Crows by Hiroshi Takahashi. The film was directed by Takashi Miike, written by Shogo Muto and stars Oguri Shun and Yamada Takayuki. The movie was the untold story behind the characters in Suzuran, the most violence high school that have never been conquered by anyone else along its history. (Credits to Wikipedia as always..)

By HeijiHatsutori at 2009-11-20
The mega-hit comic, CROWS, about feuding high school tough guys, has sold over 32 million copies in its eight-plus years. This feature length movie version of "CROWS" depicts the never-before-told origins of the story as "Episode Zero".
The Suzuran Senior High School for Boys, nicknamed "The School of Crows", is the poorest achieving, most violent school in the country. The students are called "crows" and they band together in factions, battling each other for influence and power. But they all share a common goal ... one that has never been reached in the school's history: unification. No one faction has ever reigned supreme.
Oguri plays the role of Genji Takiya, a transfer student who attempts to take over Suzuran Boys High School and is mentored by old boy yakuza Katagiri (Kyosuke Yabe) as he faces off against rival Serizawa (Takayuki Yamada).(credits to ^^
On my part, Crows Zero is a shonen-style movie; lots of fighting, lots of boys (there are what, 2-3 females only?), and very (I mean, very) charming in its own way. I'm not one that really into movies to notice the people behind the scenes but it dawns to me that the director is a highly prolific one in this field (yakuza, horror, thriller, violence-style films, he has directed over seventy theatrical, video, and television productions since his debut in 1991. In the years 2001 and 2002 alone, Miike is credited with directing fifteen productions. -thanks to wikipedia for all the info I gained) and although I never watched his more notable works, I'm satisfied and happy enough I watched this! I don't think I'll watch his other works though..horror (i.e, One Missed Call) and extremely violent (i.e, Ichi the Killer) films are not my cup of tea...maybe I'm not sadist enough...heh! Like yakuza stories though...

Anyway, back to Crows Zero, I have to say the plot is quite simple but interestingly not boring at all..might be because of the awesomesauce of the fighting scenes...the camera work is good and the realistic fight adds up to the charm. There are also some humor (my favorite is the damn bowling scene...I rewind that part twice!) and despite the fact that Genji is not one to talk much (why did I suddenly remembered Yukikaze's Lt. Rei Fukai? -note, Rei is worse, he hardly interacts at all) his expression just gives it away...I sincerely think that Oguri Shun portrays Genji well (he really did a good work...mind you I'm not being bias for the moment).
The supporting casts (I hardly recognize the faces so this might be the first time I saw them) are really good too! I like Tamayuki Yamada's Tamao Serizawa...he can be quite a cool and a dork guy at times...(remembering the bowling scene again) others are not disappointing either and overall I think the acting are really high-level...the characters are distinguishable either in personality or fashion...we can see that even though they are punk, blond hair, dreadlocks, wearing some flu-mask (this film was on 2007...mind you H1N1 are not yet existed) fights a lot and all, they can be a softies at heart...meaning they are after all, humans...and I think that part is portrayed very well by the characters...^^ One thing that is similar between the characters is smoking...I bet Genji is a darn hard smoker (I don't know in his real life) can lost count how much he smokes during the whole movie...

People, smoking is bad for your life...
For further understanding on the plot line, you can read the whole summary of the film at Wikipedia...I mean it, they put the whole plot line of the film...totally giving the story away! If you hate spoilers DON'T EVER SEARCH FOR THIS FILM ON WIKIPEDIA...don't say I don't warn you~
The soundtrack of the film is good though I never heard of the band (The Street Beats)...Kuroki Meisa (I've been wondering where did I saw her before, until I read on her profile that she is the main lead in Subaru...the movie where TVXQ sang one of the OSTs..haha!) the female lead also sang some song in some of the scenes...and I think it's quite good and fitting (the subtitle also include the translation of the lyric)...
Overall, if you're into a fist-fight style of movie, this will not fail you. Do watch this people! ^^
Due to the high popularity of the film, they put out a sequel, Crows Zero II, which picks up right where the first film ends...there are no info on this film on Wikipedia...probably because this film is a recent one (released 2009) I took the information on other sites...^^ Of course, the fighting is getting harder as the trouble gets more serious...

Adapted from the outrageous manga by Hiroshi Takahashi, this sequel to CROWS ZERO continues the story of Takiya Genji (Oguri Shun), the son of a powerful yakuza boss who had transferred to the gang-ridden Suzuran All-Boys High School with one goal in mind: unite the school's many, warring gangs under one banner, and prove to his father that he can handle the family business.
However, several months after the events of CROWS ZERO, trouble brews again when thugs known as “The Army of Killers,” from rival high school Hosen Academy threaten Suzuran High aka the ‘School of Crows.’
The ruthless ‘Army of Killers’ is after the blood of an ex-leader of Suzuran High, who is just released from reformatory for killing the leader of Hosen H two years back. Desperate, the wanted man lays low by attempting to join the local Yakuza. A rejuvenated Hosen decides to revenge their former leader’s death on the entire Suzuran school instead, while in-fighting at an increasingly disunited Suzuran High makes them even more susceptible to the Hosen menace. Can Genji and the boys stave off this threat from their greatest rivals yet?
Directed by Takashi Miike, the internationally-prolific and highly controversial Japanese filmmaker, the live-action CROWS franchise is Miike’s most commercially successful work to date. CROWS ZERO II was released in Japan earlier this year with resounding success (the box office for its opening weekend was an astounding 145% of the first installment)! (Credits to -I got a feeling this site is conducted by fellow Malaysians...there are some Malay word used in the reviews (botak yakuza?) and common Malaysian slang (ah beng -though I'm expecting along to come. LOL) which gives off a somewhat...familiarity feeling?

Crows Zero II continues the life of Genji and his fellow GPS (Genji's Perfect Seiha -Seiha means something like Succession) member in his quest to conquer Suzuran...which is more that what he imagined...I watched this some time after I finished Crows Zero (I can't afford to stay in front of the laptop 4 hours non-stop on the day in my room alone...have to go and grab something to eat...haha~) and the hot ramen (to be specific it's actually just Maggi) just can't keep my eyes off from the screen after I start clicking the 'Play' button! haha~

By heijihatsutori at 2009-11-20
For those who do not watch the first film, you can still understand the sequel for there are some flashbacks and the plot is not too depending on the first film...but for those who watch the first film first (like me!) you can understand the plot and the interaction of the characters Genji and the low-rank yakuza Ken...and some detailed insight on who the characters and their respective if I'm to suggest, I'll be encouraging you to watch the first film first...^^

The plot line is if not at the same level, is somehow better (to me) than the first film as there are more characters and more complex story as this involves more people than just a fight for the throne of Suzuran...thus, making things more exciting! The character development is also increases especially for Takiya Genji. This sequel shows how Genji starts to be more rational in his way of doing things and be more mature...which is a good thing like a quote from the movie (I forgot who says this), 'You cannot win by strength alone...there is more to it to conquer Suzuran'...something like those lines...and the simplicity of the overall flow of the story makes it more will never be confused (well, I don't after all) of the story and really can enjoy it to the max!
The fight scenes are more detailed and each character have their own limelight to show off their fighting style (especially during the last and the climax attack/fight in the story), which is very interesting to watch! The variations in camera technique, from fast-slow movement to focused up angle, adds the spice in the soup! that weird? Well I like my soto spicy after all...the latest try I put on 7 spoons of belacan...much to my friends fear...haha! It's very good though...and surprisingly I can handle it...ok enough with this off-topic!

The sound in this film is good, still using the same band like the first film...and I noticed there is another band...making it two but I don't know the name...from the credits it looks like what..Does? I have no idea...and it kinds of frustrating that this time the sub do not have the lyrics translation...but overall I think the j-rock bands must be a famous one, no? The songs are quite good after all..maybe I should download the OST? Nah~ to much time for that maybe...haha! But maybe I will..just maybe...
Crows Zero II is a must-watch if you already finished Crows Zero...I can guarantee that you will like it! I don't know whether there will be Crows Zero III or not after this (hope they will and focused on Haruma Miura's Bitou Tatsuya this time! He got a very cool haircut in here~ haha!) but if they do I'm soooo going to watch it! ^^
Again, believe me, people...this is going to worth your time! Do watch it, guys! ^^
It's raining now and internet connection just gone awry again...damnit! Why oh why the connection hates me?? What did I do~?

I really need to calm down...
That's it for watch both film people! Ja ne~

Music for the day: Yamashita Tomohisa -MOLA (R-Midwest remix)
P/S: I've been listening to this song in repeat mode right after I downloaded the mp3...which is while I'm writing this post! Somehow the melody is addictive and I can't help but to sing along! The lyrics are fully in English and even without looking at the lyrics beforehand I can make out some lines...though I have to say the lyrics help a great deal...his English pronunciation can be quite confusing to me at times...heh!
Yamashita Tomohisa (more common by nickname Yama-P) is a member (if I'm not mistaken he's the leader) of the Johnny Entertainments talent group NEWs and this is his solo song...I come across some NEWs song and there are some that I like a lot but I can't quite figure out the other members of the group save for Yama-P...thanks for his activeness in acting dramas like Kurosagi and Nobuta no Produce to name a you might find his face familiar friend is quite a fan of his actually...heh~
Do check out the Pv too! The setting is very cool and suite the song's atmosphere perfectly! He also dances...which gives some extra points...*wink*
You can check out the Pv (click the 'video' button) and of course, listen to the song altogether at my playlist below! ^^
~The-frustrated-and-quite-sleepy Heiji
He watches the dancing angel silently, too incoherent for words. His mind counting, 1, 2, 3...
1, 2, 3...
A pair of brown orb eyes meeting his. A smile, playful one tagging at the lips. His heart almost skips a beat.
1, 2, 3...
He blinks, once, twice, three times, he is still alone. Yet the smile is still hanging before his visions.
Like they do not have any other way.
It's the start of the end-of-the-term holiday...and most of the students are already going back to their hometown while I'm still stuck here in KAL...not like I really hate it...but I almost hate it when the internet connection broke down at the menara...I mean, come on, there are less people here now and I just thought that I can online and download as much as I could but then again the connection just simply gone...I'm lucky the connection is ok here under the hostel block...if not I'm damn sure I'll be working hard not to strangle/hit/cast some voodoo spell to some random passerby out of frustration...heh!

That makes me realize...I really cannot live without internet, huh? *sigh*

This evening, out of bored and tired after sorting up my locker, cleaning the clothes, tidying up the room, etc...I randomly pick up movies in my oh-so-many collection to watch...and found a Japanese live-action movies titled Crows Zero and it's sequel Crows Zero II...these film is based on a best-selling manga I never came across let alone read (but will do so after this) called Crows by Hiroshi Takahashi...mind you, I never heard of the mangaka either...but put that aside, both the movies is really good! Also, it doesn't hurt that Oguri Shun plays the main lead...^^

Let's start with the first film, Crows Zero.
Crows ZERO (クローズZERO, Kurōzu Zero?) is a film based on the comic book Crows by Hiroshi Takahashi. The film was directed by Takashi Miike, written by Shogo Muto and stars Oguri Shun and Yamada Takayuki. The movie was the untold story behind the characters in Suzuran, the most violence high school that have never been conquered by anyone else along its history. (Credits to Wikipedia as always..)

By HeijiHatsutori at 2009-11-20
The mega-hit comic, CROWS, about feuding high school tough guys, has sold over 32 million copies in its eight-plus years. This feature length movie version of "CROWS" depicts the never-before-told origins of the story as "Episode Zero".
The Suzuran Senior High School for Boys, nicknamed "The School of Crows", is the poorest achieving, most violent school in the country. The students are called "crows" and they band together in factions, battling each other for influence and power. But they all share a common goal ... one that has never been reached in the school's history: unification. No one faction has ever reigned supreme.
Oguri plays the role of Genji Takiya, a transfer student who attempts to take over Suzuran Boys High School and is mentored by old boy yakuza Katagiri (Kyosuke Yabe) as he faces off against rival Serizawa (Takayuki Yamada).(credits to ^^
On my part, Crows Zero is a shonen-style movie; lots of fighting, lots of boys (there are what, 2-3 females only?), and very (I mean, very) charming in its own way. I'm not one that really into movies to notice the people behind the scenes but it dawns to me that the director is a highly prolific one in this field (yakuza, horror, thriller, violence-style films, he has directed over seventy theatrical, video, and television productions since his debut in 1991. In the years 2001 and 2002 alone, Miike is credited with directing fifteen productions. -thanks to wikipedia for all the info I gained) and although I never watched his more notable works, I'm satisfied and happy enough I watched this! I don't think I'll watch his other works though..horror (i.e, One Missed Call) and extremely violent (i.e, Ichi the Killer) films are not my cup of tea...maybe I'm not sadist enough...heh! Like yakuza stories though...

Anyway, back to Crows Zero, I have to say the plot is quite simple but interestingly not boring at all..might be because of the awesomesauce of the fighting scenes...the camera work is good and the realistic fight adds up to the charm. There are also some humor (my favorite is the damn bowling scene...I rewind that part twice!) and despite the fact that Genji is not one to talk much (why did I suddenly remembered Yukikaze's Lt. Rei Fukai? -note, Rei is worse, he hardly interacts at all) his expression just gives it away...I sincerely think that Oguri Shun portrays Genji well (he really did a good work...mind you I'm not being bias for the moment).
The supporting casts (I hardly recognize the faces so this might be the first time I saw them) are really good too! I like Tamayuki Yamada's Tamao Serizawa...he can be quite a cool and a dork guy at times...(remembering the bowling scene again) others are not disappointing either and overall I think the acting are really high-level...the characters are distinguishable either in personality or fashion...we can see that even though they are punk, blond hair, dreadlocks, wearing some flu-mask (this film was on 2007...mind you H1N1 are not yet existed) fights a lot and all, they can be a softies at heart...meaning they are after all, humans...and I think that part is portrayed very well by the characters...^^ One thing that is similar between the characters is smoking...I bet Genji is a darn hard smoker (I don't know in his real life) can lost count how much he smokes during the whole movie...

People, smoking is bad for your life...
For further understanding on the plot line, you can read the whole summary of the film at Wikipedia...I mean it, they put the whole plot line of the film...totally giving the story away! If you hate spoilers DON'T EVER SEARCH FOR THIS FILM ON WIKIPEDIA...don't say I don't warn you~
The soundtrack of the film is good though I never heard of the band (The Street Beats)...Kuroki Meisa (I've been wondering where did I saw her before, until I read on her profile that she is the main lead in Subaru...the movie where TVXQ sang one of the OSTs..haha!) the female lead also sang some song in some of the scenes...and I think it's quite good and fitting (the subtitle also include the translation of the lyric)...
Overall, if you're into a fist-fight style of movie, this will not fail you. Do watch this people! ^^
Due to the high popularity of the film, they put out a sequel, Crows Zero II, which picks up right where the first film ends...there are no info on this film on Wikipedia...probably because this film is a recent one (released 2009) I took the information on other sites...^^ Of course, the fighting is getting harder as the trouble gets more serious...

Adapted from the outrageous manga by Hiroshi Takahashi, this sequel to CROWS ZERO continues the story of Takiya Genji (Oguri Shun), the son of a powerful yakuza boss who had transferred to the gang-ridden Suzuran All-Boys High School with one goal in mind: unite the school's many, warring gangs under one banner, and prove to his father that he can handle the family business.
However, several months after the events of CROWS ZERO, trouble brews again when thugs known as “The Army of Killers,” from rival high school Hosen Academy threaten Suzuran High aka the ‘School of Crows.’
The ruthless ‘Army of Killers’ is after the blood of an ex-leader of Suzuran High, who is just released from reformatory for killing the leader of Hosen H two years back. Desperate, the wanted man lays low by attempting to join the local Yakuza. A rejuvenated Hosen decides to revenge their former leader’s death on the entire Suzuran school instead, while in-fighting at an increasingly disunited Suzuran High makes them even more susceptible to the Hosen menace. Can Genji and the boys stave off this threat from their greatest rivals yet?
Directed by Takashi Miike, the internationally-prolific and highly controversial Japanese filmmaker, the live-action CROWS franchise is Miike’s most commercially successful work to date. CROWS ZERO II was released in Japan earlier this year with resounding success (the box office for its opening weekend was an astounding 145% of the first installment)! (Credits to -I got a feeling this site is conducted by fellow Malaysians...there are some Malay word used in the reviews (botak yakuza?) and common Malaysian slang (ah beng -though I'm expecting along to come. LOL) which gives off a somewhat...familiarity feeling?

Crows Zero II continues the life of Genji and his fellow GPS (Genji's Perfect Seiha -Seiha means something like Succession) member in his quest to conquer Suzuran...which is more that what he imagined...I watched this some time after I finished Crows Zero (I can't afford to stay in front of the laptop 4 hours non-stop on the day in my room alone...have to go and grab something to eat...haha~) and the hot ramen (to be specific it's actually just Maggi) just can't keep my eyes off from the screen after I start clicking the 'Play' button! haha~

By heijihatsutori at 2009-11-20
For those who do not watch the first film, you can still understand the sequel for there are some flashbacks and the plot is not too depending on the first film...but for those who watch the first film first (like me!) you can understand the plot and the interaction of the characters Genji and the low-rank yakuza Ken...and some detailed insight on who the characters and their respective if I'm to suggest, I'll be encouraging you to watch the first film first...^^

The plot line is if not at the same level, is somehow better (to me) than the first film as there are more characters and more complex story as this involves more people than just a fight for the throne of Suzuran...thus, making things more exciting! The character development is also increases especially for Takiya Genji. This sequel shows how Genji starts to be more rational in his way of doing things and be more mature...which is a good thing like a quote from the movie (I forgot who says this), 'You cannot win by strength alone...there is more to it to conquer Suzuran'...something like those lines...and the simplicity of the overall flow of the story makes it more will never be confused (well, I don't after all) of the story and really can enjoy it to the max!
The fight scenes are more detailed and each character have their own limelight to show off their fighting style (especially during the last and the climax attack/fight in the story), which is very interesting to watch! The variations in camera technique, from fast-slow movement to focused up angle, adds the spice in the soup! that weird? Well I like my soto spicy after all...the latest try I put on 7 spoons of belacan...much to my friends fear...haha! It's very good though...and surprisingly I can handle it...ok enough with this off-topic!

The sound in this film is good, still using the same band like the first film...and I noticed there is another band...making it two but I don't know the name...from the credits it looks like what..Does? I have no idea...and it kinds of frustrating that this time the sub do not have the lyrics translation...but overall I think the j-rock bands must be a famous one, no? The songs are quite good after all..maybe I should download the OST? Nah~ to much time for that maybe...haha! But maybe I will..just maybe...
Crows Zero II is a must-watch if you already finished Crows Zero...I can guarantee that you will like it! I don't know whether there will be Crows Zero III or not after this (hope they will and focused on Haruma Miura's Bitou Tatsuya this time! He got a very cool haircut in here~ haha!) but if they do I'm soooo going to watch it! ^^
Again, believe me, people...this is going to worth your time! Do watch it, guys! ^^
It's raining now and internet connection just gone awry again...damnit! Why oh why the connection hates me?? What did I do~?

I really need to calm down...
That's it for watch both film people! Ja ne~

Music for the day: Yamashita Tomohisa -MOLA (R-Midwest remix)
P/S: I've been listening to this song in repeat mode right after I downloaded the mp3...which is while I'm writing this post! Somehow the melody is addictive and I can't help but to sing along! The lyrics are fully in English and even without looking at the lyrics beforehand I can make out some lines...though I have to say the lyrics help a great deal...his English pronunciation can be quite confusing to me at times...heh!
Yamashita Tomohisa (more common by nickname Yama-P) is a member (if I'm not mistaken he's the leader) of the Johnny Entertainments talent group NEWs and this is his solo song...I come across some NEWs song and there are some that I like a lot but I can't quite figure out the other members of the group save for Yama-P...thanks for his activeness in acting dramas like Kurosagi and Nobuta no Produce to name a you might find his face familiar friend is quite a fan of his actually...heh~
Do check out the Pv too! The setting is very cool and suite the song's atmosphere perfectly! He also dances...which gives some extra points...*wink*
You can check out the Pv (click the 'video' button) and of course, listen to the song altogether at my playlist below! ^^
~The-frustrated-and-quite-sleepy Heiji
He watches the dancing angel silently, too incoherent for words. His mind counting, 1, 2, 3...
1, 2, 3...
A pair of brown orb eyes meeting his. A smile, playful one tagging at the lips. His heart almost skips a beat.
1, 2, 3...
He blinks, once, twice, three times, he is still alone. Yet the smile is still hanging before his visions.
Like they do not have any other way.
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