Had you know me well enough or generally talks to me for the past month or so, you'll see this coming from miles away. I was
so excited for Mushishi Zoku Shou (a.k.a the 2nd season) since January and just can't seem to able to shut up about it. And given my current state of apathetic towards all anime in general lately this is a heaven sent gift to fuel back the anime watching in me.
And sure it's just Spring season, and there's more anime to come and be excited for, but I doubt anything will come and beat the general feels and downright screaming I did for Mushishi, hands down. Yes, even Book of Circus on the last 'K' letter post and 2nd season of Durarara!! falls short to this amazing piece of work.
The one that might be able to contend will be if they announce the production of Natsume Yuujinchou Go, but even then I doubt it will win; for Mushishi Zoku Shou is, if anything, nothing short of a miracle.
It started on January when out of nowhere, an OVA was released for the series, and needless to say, everyone was generally excited for it, -more Mushishi is better than none- but when the end credits reveal the new season slotted on Spring, the whole fandom
explodes (the re-emergence of it at Tumblr is nothing short of amazing, and all the beautiful art that comes with it are surreal; seriously, the whole time I was like 'how do people art?!'). It's not the sort of anime that totally cashing-in commercial-wise, and the award-winning manga had long finished its serial, that nobody saw the sequel coming after 9 freaking years.
Mushishi is, after all, a rare beast when it first aired way back on
2005, and even more peculiar among all the airing ones today.